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As a child, we think that everything would be absolutely perfect as soon as we're old enough to move out, drive a car, get a job, and buy McDonald's whenever we want…and then childhood is gone and we are left with….THIS.

And yes, it's possible to move out and drive a car and get a job and eat MickeyDees, but what children don't foresee is all of the blood, sweat, and tears that go into making those simple things a reality.

It's not a Barbie world out here. We can't change our jobs like she changes her uniform, going from Astronaut one day to Veterinarian the next. How Barbie can afford that 3-story mansion in Malibu on a dog-walker salary, I don't know.

In adulthood, actions have consequences that may last a lifetime. Ditching school and taking a gap year instead of going to college may be the difference between affording to move out or never leaving mom's basement.

Student debt is a bane of adult existence. But even worse is having zero skillsets and having to feed, clothe, and shelter yourself! Adults have to regularly do jobs they don't want just to survive.

Freedom is another myth. With everything requiring a government license, adults can't even fish in the local river without getting a piece of paper, not to mention drive their own vehicle or hunt for food.

As for fast foods, pfft. It's cheaper to eat at a drive-thru than buying fresh meat and vegetables to cook at home. Not to mention the convenience after working a full day. McDonalds isn't a treat; it's the cardboard taste of despair.

Add to that the responsibilities of trying to find the perfect person to share your life with, settling down, having 2.5 kids, and a white picket fence while battling weight and health issues…don't even mention traveling the world.

I feel like every time a child wishes they were an adult, an angel loses its wings. We are straight-up not having a good time here in this hood. Believe me. I 10/10 Do Not Recommend. 

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