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I want to write a well-researched piece. Not just well researched, in terms of the body of the piece, but well researched in the depths of the language used. A piece where every word is loaded. Every word has meaning. Not just individually, but contributing to the piece and, may be beyond. Every phrase should be able to stand its own and fit into context. It should be mundane in its delivery but exciting in its reach.

The piece should be an invigorating read, an insightful examination, or something that resembles the effort and thought behind a modern day invention. Something that is not born out of necessity, but out of curiosity and exploration. Something that is not based on incidents, memories, inferences, or predictions, musings, or wishful thinking. Something that is complex enough to understand but easy enough to explain. Something.

I do not crave fame for the piece. I do not want monetary remunerations. I do not covet credit, either. The piece should stand by itself. The piece should stand the test of time, dissections, and the vicissitudes of perspective. It should be able to convey itself to every strata of society, to every single person who can string together a couple of words to create a sentence to the seasoned litterateur who can see through the syntax the mind of the author.

This piece, known by itself, should not aspire to be inspiring, motivating, or poignant. It should be informative, evidential, argumentative, and thought provoking. Inspiration drawn, if any, should be from its literary prowess, its presentation and not its substance.

The piece should hold itself from being interpretative. It should be clear and concise in subject, and yet be imaginative and free in presentation. The analogies used must be meaningful or non-existent. The metaphors relatable globally or absent.

It should set standards for itself, such that even the punctuations add to the aesthetics rather than remain a form of linguistic compulsion. A piece, wherein every word is thought out meticulously and every sentence has a deeper connotation than it does presents. It should have a smooth flow in its stride and yet be jerky in its read. It should force the reader to stop reading for a few seconds and think deeply about its insinuation.

I want to write a well-researched piece. Not just well researched, in terms of the body of the piece, but well researched in the depths of the language used. A piece where every word is loaded. Every word has meaning. Not just individually, but contributing to the piece and, may be beyond. Every phrase should be able to stand its own and fit into context. It should be mundane in its delivery but exciting in its reach.

Almost poetic, in its approach.




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