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How many people have lives that turned out exactlyFullChakra Reset Program Review as they planned? Few, it would seem. The reason is that the soul has a plan. It has things it wants to accomplish. The ego has a plan, too. Yet it was created to do the mundane things, like drive the car, change diapers, balance the checkbook.

 The soul has loftier goals. When we get into trouble is when we ignore the soul and let the ego decide the big stuff, like whom do I marry, what is my life's work, and do I have children. The important matters are the soul's domain. The soul gets our attention when we are off-track most of all by allowing us to feel miserable when we are in the wrong situation. It shows us when we are going in the right direction with the use of synchronicity, in dreams, and in the feeling of joy bubbling up from out of nowhere. When we learn to pay attention to these, we have learned to listen to the soul.

Here is an example from my own life. Once upon a time I had created what I thought I wanted. I had a tall, well-built, handsome, successful husband, two beautiful, perfect children, a large Victorian house, and two nice new cars. I was a member of the Junior League, and a board member various organizations.

 I was a nationally exhibiting artist.  I managed historical commercial properties which I had restored myself. That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? I was quite miserable. I had a deep, inner longing for something I could not quite name. For years I did not know what I was feeling. Then something seemingly minor occurred which made it all begin to clear up for me.

The day my youngest child started kindergarten, I wandered into a strange little shop in the older part of town. It was run by a tiny, wrinkled old woman. A sign on the door said, “Tarot readings on Tuesdays.” It was a Tuesday.  I took the plunge and got my first Tarot reading. It said that t it was time for me to do my spiritual work. It was time for me to take action. I wondered aloud what that meant. The reader said, “I am not sure exactly, but I don't think it means ‘go to church next Sunday.'”



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