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The technique we are talking about is the hi-definition liposuction technique. Part of the abdominoplasty procedure which gets rid of excess skin and fat, this technique is one of the most sophisticated procedures in cosmetic surgery today. 

This is because it relies on state-of-the-art liposuction technology like MicroAire and VASER to fulfil its goal. The goal is to give you completely natural-looking washboard abs.

You might be wondering whether or not you are eligible for this. Well, the good news is nearly everyone is! As long as you are healthy and have a habit of exercising, you will definitely benefit from this procedure. 

So, what is this technique all about?

Why Hi-Definition Liposuction is All the Rage

Hi-definition liposuction has also gained the name six-pack abs surgery. With good reason, too. This procedure sculpts out abs based on what you already have. It relies on your existing muscular structure to give you the natural-looking results you deserve. 

What’s more, it combines the genius of MicroAire and VASER liposuction tools for an incredible effect. These minimally invasive tools significantly reduce trauma, ensuring a speedy recovery. However, another reason they are the most coveted technology in liposuction is that they cause very little damage to the extracted fat.

Fat Grafting – How it Delivers Natural-Looking Results

Fat grafting is one of 2 ways enhancement in cosmetic surgery is done. The other you may be familiar with – implants. A lot of times, during an abdominoplasty, fat grafting is used to correct hip dips and give additional augmentation to the buttocks. This creates a much better, more aesthetic silhouette.

The fat is removed from the abdominal region and used to pad other regions. This is a very safe augmentation method because it takes fat from your own body and uses it elsewhere. Therefore, there is no reason for your body to react and reject the fat. This danger exists in the case of implants where a foreign object is introduced into your body. Fat grafting poses no such worry.

But how is it used in the six-pack abs surgery – you may ask. 

Well, when your surgery happens, your surgeon basically contours out your mounds and dips. These are naturally present in the abdominal muscles. But sometimes they are less visible and not as well-defined. Other times the patient may want increased definition. 

In such cases, the fat is grafted onto the mounds. This makes the dips deeper and, therefore, increases definition. Thus, the final result is incredible and very satisfying to see. All these techniques together create highly natural-looking results that only get better as the patient heals.

The final result gives the patient what they genuinely want. It boosts their self-esteem and makes them feel much better about themselves. This is the most crucial thing that cosmetic surgery achieves.

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