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Benefits of Meditation with a Singing Bowl

Meditation has, since time immemorial, been used for attaining mindfulness and enlightenment. It can help you to detach from attachments, which often cause anxiety, depression, and misery.

Here are the benefits of meditating with a singing bowl:

Reduces Stress

Meditation, in general, can reduce stress. By helping you to focus on positive aspects of life or simply your breath, it enables your mind to remove focus from worries of the past and future.

Because of increased levels of mental and physical stress, your body releases high amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone, which in turn results in the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the body.

Stress can:

Disrupt sleep

Increase anxiety and Depression

Reduce cognitive abilities

Helps with Anxiety

When your body experiences less stress, you experience less symptoms of anxiety.

If you suffer from high levels of anxiety, then mindfulness meditation can help you to learn observation of thoughts and emotions.

When you’re in touch with your thoughts and emotions and don’t make judgements regarding them, you gain greater control over them. With greater control, you can always bring back your mind to the present moment and lower your anxiety.

Create a Positive Mindset

When you ponder upon the future and past, your mind often experiences negative emotions, which create stress, guilt, and anxiety.

Meditation enables you to focus on the present, the now. As you continue doing this for days, your mind registers the pattern, and you find it easier to let go of thoughts and live in the moment.

Helps with Chronic Pain

People suffering from chronic pain often focus on the pain, focus that further exacerbates the problem.

To better manage your pain, you can try to meditate and detach yourself from the pain. However, you can also try hypnosis, which is an extension of meditation that uses specialized techniques to bring subconscious change.

Singing Bowl Meditation Benefits

An archaic practice, meditations revival can be attributed to the current movement of mindfulness and self-love. To attain mindfulness and live in the moment, you can meditate and bid adieu to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Let’s look at some of the proven benefits of meditation:

Stress Buster

When we experience stress, our mind releases cortisol, often dubbed the stress hormone. Increased mental and physical stress is linked to higher anxiety and depression.

Higher levels of cortisol result in a higher release of cytokines, a proinflammatory chemical that damages tissues and cells.

Essentially, stress may lead to the following:

Disrupted sleep cycle

Lack of focus

Reduced cognitive abilities

Feeling sleepy in the morning and not waking up well rested

Anxiety and depression

By helping you to focus on the present moment and distracting your mind from the worries of the past and future, meditation calms your mind and reduces stress.

Reduces Anxiety

Our thoughts and judgement on those thoughts are a major reason for anxiety. Not only can negative thoughts cause anxiety but also exacerbate it.

Mindfulness meditation singing bowl, which teaches you to stay in the present moment and simply observe your thoughts without making a judgement on them, can help you in reducing anxiety and controlling your emotions.

Using meditation along with other coping techniques such as identifying emotions and positive thinking can help you in reducing levels of anxiety.

Generates Positive Thoughts

Positive thinking enables you to generate happiness in your life. In contrast to negative thoughts that exacerbate anxiety and depression, positive thoughts help you focus and stay committed to your life goals.

However, our minds can often stop us from thinking positively, often ruminating on the past and feeling the guilt and stress.

When you meditate, you can use visualization to create an image of the type of person you want to become and the type of thoughts that you want to let into your life. This will help you in bringing permanent change and shift your mindset towards a positive one.

May Reduce Chronic Pain

People suffering from chronic pain often rely on medicines such as:



NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Most of these drugs have harmful side effects, especially in the long term. For instance, NSAIDs can lead to gastro-intestinal issues, for which you may have to take additional medicines.

If the pain is bearable, then it is better to rely less on medicine.

Meditation, especially hypnosis, relieves the symptoms of chronic pain. It can build up your tolerance levels of pain and help you in diverting your mind away from the pain.



Including aTibetan  singing bowl into your meditation sessions can help you in reaching those deeper states of mind, improving your overall experience. Employ the tips provided in this blog and meditate regularly to gain a superior control on your mind and emotions.


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