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When you are planning to impregnate your beloved, you focus on two main things: delaying the orgasm to have the best climax at the same time and to release your semen deep into the vaginal canal. Often when a guy takes care of these two things, his partner ends up being pregnant. But, there are times when your semen lacks the general quantity of sperms in it.

There are many reasons for low sperm count like- stress, depression, infertility, or any other disease related to the male reproductive system. A low sperm count not only affects the sexual vigor of a man but also proves to be a risk factor for his fertility.

Here is how to increase sperm count without taking any medicines or drugs.

1. Exercising regularly

One of the most effective solutions for increasing your sperm count naturally is to exercise regularly. The sperm count and the semen greatly depend on lifestyle and the environment. So, to have your semen loaded with sperms, bring a change in your lifestyle. The best way to start it is by including exercise in your routine. For males, cardio, vigorous exercises, push-ups, bench press, and weightlifting are some of the best workout regimes for increasing the sperm numbers.

2. Include Vitamin C in your diet

Usually, a girl orgasms when you repeatedly hit her g-spot. But, for a guy, reaching the climax is a bit more difficult. And the worst-case scenario is when you secrete a very good amount of semen with low sperm count. This is why, including Vitamin C in your diet is helpful. This Vitamin is present in any food containing citrus and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C intake has proven to be quite a helpful remedy for enhancing the semen production and the sperm count in it.

3. Don’t let stress ruin your sexual life

Often during the first night after your marriage, you use protections to avoid any chanced pregnancy. This might work as one of the first night tips. If you and your partner are fine with the idea of being pregnant, you need to stop stress interfering with your sex life. Else, the stress is put directly on the hormonal levels which in turn reduces the sperm count drastically.

4. Don’t suffocate your testicles and penis in tight clothes

Doctors always suggest wearing the right size of pants and briefs. If you think that wearing tights will make you look like a Greek God, you are certainly mistaken on many levels. Tight clothes will restrict blood circulation to the testicles and the penis. As a result, your sperm count will be lowered over time. So, avoid such suffocating clothes and switch to the right size.

Apart from these tips on how to increase sperm count, you need to remember that your sexual behavior greatly depends on your lifestyle. So, avoid too many drugs, alcohols, smoking, or other bad habits that might alter your hormonal levels responsible for sperm production.


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