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Be it the age factor seeping in or the lifestyle choices that show effects and consequences – back pain is a very common issue in adults these days. Eight in ten people have to deal with serious back problems at some points in their lives.

There’s more to the solution of back problems than just medicines – for example, exercises for lower back pain , stretching, lifestyle changes, etc. Let’s look at the most recommendable solutions –

  • Using heating pads or hot water bottles to give heat therapy is the primary most and effective means. Warm baths relax muscles and can be used to treat tension, cramping, and spasms.
  • Ice pockets can help reduce inflammation and sometimes work better than lower back pain exercises too!
  • Pain relief balms and oils can work wonders in chronic back pain.
  • Posture is paramount. Put efforts towards corrective measures in your posture. Don’t slouch or hunch. Don’t look into your phone for too long in one go and don’t slump over a keyboard. Take timely breaks and reverse bend to stretch the contained muscles.
  • Make changes in your workstation if required to suit the right posture. Invest in a better and more comfortable chair. Buy a table with apt height.
  • Take note of daily activities that stimulate your back pain, try avoiding them. And if you cannot avoid, then, spending a few minutes every 2 -3 hours to relax effected muscles ( stretch or exercise or use hot and cold pads)will have you sustain.
  • Take physical therapy to learn better alignment of the spine, and increase strength and flexibility.
  • Consume more calcium through dairy products, soybeans, tofu, green vegetables, etc. Periodically taking multivitamins should help too.
  • Try achieving a healthy weight, weight plays a very important role in overall wellness.
  • Acupuncture formula has also proved beneficial for many for lower back pain.
  • Invest in a firm mattress, aren’t we all are doing what we are doing for a peaceful good sleep.
  • High heeled sandals and stilettos are an absolute no-no, if you must look for comfortable platform wedges.
  • Practice yoga and back pain exercises. They’ll help you retain your posture, increase pain tolerance, make your body more flexible and strengthen your core.
  • Focus on getting a better and good amount of sleep. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs can help if you’re unable to sleep because of pain.
  • Stretch your body – try lower back pain exercises including cobra pose, cat-cow pose, and child pose.
  • Reduce stress by talk therapy, guided imagery, deep breathing or meditation.
  • Quit smoking. Chronic smoking can inhibit blood flow and block oxygen supply in the tissues, hence weakening the spine and back muscles.

It’s okay to rely upon home remedies, as they positively impact more than one aspect of your life. In cases of chronic and severe pain, it’s recommended to take a visit to the physician.


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