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It's easy to gain an inch on your biceps if you know what you're doing.  DXN Code Strike Review  The top 2 exercises for biceps can actually be done at home. You can build huge arms with only 2 muscle building exercises.

Here is what you need. A pull up bar that can be inserted into your door. You can buy these online or on the “As Seen on TV” aisle in your local store. This is a great piece of equipment that will help you build huge arms at home. The second piece of equipment is a curl bar or straight bar and some weights. You don't need anything new or fancy. Go on to Craigslist and buy some cheap used equipment. Your total investment for a home gym to build huge arms at home will be no more than $50. If you want to stretch out your sleeves with bigger guns get this stuff now.

These 2 exercises for biceps are designed to give you maximum muscle in the least amount of time. The pull up is greatly underestimated but known in the inner circle as a top bicep building exercise. Do the pull-ups with a reverse grip with the hands about 6 to 8 inches apart. Raise yourself up as quickly as you can and lower yourself down with a 2 count. If you can't do more than a couple reps that's o.k. because you will just do more sets. Your goal will be to do 4 sets of 10 for a total of 40 reps. Do as many sets as it takes to do 40 reps. This is going to make you really sore if you have weak arms.



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