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Just remember, everything in balance. I once tried  15 Minute Weight Loss Review eating oatmeal exclusively based on all the benefits described above. I lasted for three days and never wanted to touch the stuff again. Since then, I've made my peace with oatmeal and eat it pretty much every other day.

The bottom line is that you can absolutely lose weight eating oatmeal, but like anything else, it must be enjoyable for you to stick with it for the long term. Be creative in adding natural variety and you can easily make it a part of your everyday life.

There are obviously many dietary principles you will want to embrace to really get the results you're after. I mean, if you eat a bowl of oatmeal followed by a double quarter pound cheeseburger and large fries, forget about it.With all the carb confusion going around these days I figured it would be a good idea to dedicate an article to revealing the truth about carbs. Contrary to popular belief carbs are not bad for you. As a matter of fact they are the human body's primary and most preferred source of energy. Carbohydrates are good for you don't let anyone tell you differently.

By now you might be wondering why people make such a big deal about carbohydrates if they are good for you. There is a certain amount of truth in the fact that carbs can make you fat. The problem is that people have a difficult time differentiating between the carbs that cause you to gain weight and the ones that are healthy for you. As a result of that they just decide to cut out carbs all together, a practice known as low carb dieting. A lot of people swear by this type of dieting due to the quick short term weight loss it causes but in the long run it can actually be detrimental to your overall fat loss program.



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