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There are lots of people with different personalities. Have you ever met an interesting man or woman you often think about what you can talk to him about, except for the weather allowed by the etiquette? Knowing that people most like to talk about their loved ones, the best way out is to ask the question: “What are you doing?” 

Therefore, in order not to arouse much suspicion, you need to ask: “What do you like to do in your free time?” The question of a hobby is harmless enough and very convenient for starting a conversation. But, by asking people about their hobbies, you will get an idea of their personality and values in life, and even a little about their attitude towards other people.

Of course, you may come across an individual whose hobby is drinking beer while lying in front of the TV. But even this will be an indicator of his primitive desires and needs, tell about their laziness and unwillingness to change anything in his life. However, quite normal people with an interesting hobby can also meet.

How you can get an idea of a person’s personality based on a person’s hobbies

If a person is a virtual player(gamer)

Computer games it's amazing that you even managed to get to know them to live, and not in the virtual space. He/She masterfully controls the “mouse” and enjoys living the imaginary life of the heroes of games. There he/she is omnipotent and easily solves any problem. And if not with ease, then he/she has many attempts to still solve it and reach a new level. As a last resort, there is a reboot. His/her whole life and interests are concentrated in the virtual space, but in reality, he cannot communicate with those around him/her with the same ease if we are not talking about his/her favorite games.

A man/woman for whom a computer is the only friend is usually closed and lives in his/her own closed world. But if suddenly you still managed to get to know this and at the same time you are not playing, you should know that you will have to build relationships yourself. Yes, a gambler is a man/woman without pretensions, he/she knows how to be content with little. Since his/her whole life is in the game, in reality, he/she uses the same problem-solving techniques, right up to the reboot. On the other hand, he/she will most likely be calm about the fact that you, having gone to a friend, call him/her around midnight.

If a person is a collector

Do you think that the days when people collected stamps, coins, and candy wrappers are long gone? Not at all. Of course, now there is the opportunity to collect anything, including antiques, yachts, airplanes, and vintage cars. But in fact, many in an old-fashioned way prefer to collect something less cumbersome.

All collectors are calm people by nature, a little reserved, preferring an established way of life and not liking abrupt changes. But the object of their collection, as a rule, reveals hidden in the depths of the soul and unfulfilled desires.

Stamps are usually collected by an intellectual and a romantic. If there are stamps with countries and cities, it means that a dream of travel lives in the soul of this person, although by nature he/she may be a homebody. If a person collects stamps with portraits of celebrities, it means that he/she has not yet been able to realize himself/herself, to achieve success in life.

Coins are usually preferred by a person who has a difficult relationship with money. He/She can broadcast as much as he/she wants that money is not happiness, but he/she needs finances to feel confident in life.

Recently, it has again become fashionable to collect edged weapons. Do you think that only an aggressive man/woman can collect it? You are not right. He/She only wants to appear cool, but in reality, he/she can be a very insecure person.

Remember, collecting is an expensive hobby, which means that a collector can spend all the family's savings without a twinge of conscience on a rare stamp, coin, or dagger.

Try an online character personality generator for more details about your personality.


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