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Billions of cups of coffee are taken every day  AbundanceWith Money Review around the world, making it one of the most popular beverages globally. This makes it a worthwhile investment commodity with a huge potential for profits. Coffee futures are, by definition, contracts that are traded on the stock exchange where the buyer agrees to take a specific quantity of it to be delivered on a predetermined date in the future. The following is some important information about investing in it.

The major suppliers worldwide include Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia and India. These countries dominate the coffee markets and influence the futures exchange markets as well. Despite the different regions of suppliers, 2 main kinds of coffee-beans are grown: Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica accounts for over 60 percent of the global supply and is a premium known for its richer taste. Robusta covers the remaining 40 percent of total production and is easier to grow than Arabica. Robusta is usually sold at about 70 percent of the price of Arabica and is therefore favored by the larger coffee roasting companies, including Nestlé, Kraft and Sara Lee. Do keep these figures in mind when building your investment portfolio.

What Determines Prices of Coffee?As with most commodities in the global exchange market, the price is influenced mainly by supply and demand. However, the market forces are not only defined by the number of suppliers versus the number of buyers. The coffee-growing seasons also determine the price, as well as how long it takes to produce marketable coffee beans.



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