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Not everyone has the time or money to go to a  DXNCode Strike Review gym but don't let that stop you from a good muscle building workout. There is a misconception that in order to gain muscle mass you need to join a gym to have access to all sorts of fancy equipment. If you are looking to be a serious strength or power athlete or compete in bodybuilding you will need a good gym with lots of weight but if you are just looking to beef up your upper body at home there are some simple exercises that are very effective. Gain muscle mass at home with these 3 exercises for the upper body.

If pushups have got to easy for you it's time to mix them up a bit. Put your feet up on a bench or chair and keep your body straight. Don't allow your hips to sag on your push ups. You can use several different levels to elevate your feet at to hit your chest, shoulders, and triceps in a variety of ways. For an unbelievable shoulder workout put your feet up on the bench and walk your hands toward your body until your butt is raised high in the air. You will be in an inverted position and you can do pushups straight down to the floor. This is a great way to build huge shoulders.

If you don't have a place to do pull ups at home I highly suggest getting on of those bars you can put in between a door. You can get a good one from the As Seen on TV infomercials online. I have seen this version sold at Rite Aid, Walmart, and Target. Invest $30 and you can do all kinds of versions of pullups to gain muscle mass at home on your back and biceps. Pullups are one of the best mass builders you can do to build a V tapered back.



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