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What is bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping is the practice of keeping track of your bank transactions so that you can easily see how much money is coming in and going out.

You must balance the books every month in order for your company to be successful; otherwise, you will have difficulty paying for items like stock, vendors, and even taxes.

It's a good habit to form from the start of your own business.

What is the significance of bookkeeping?

You won't be around to manage your company for long if you don't have a good understanding of your finances. Small companies must pay a variety of taxes during the year, and bookkeeping ensures that the amount owed is calculated accurately. This encourages you to plan for the next fiscal year and consider the next steps, such as expanding your corporation or forming a limited liability company.

Per year, someone who is self-employed or serves as a director of a limited partnership must file a Self Assessment tax return. This is where you'll report your job and other taxes to HMRC to figure out how much National Insurance and Income Tax you'll have to pay.

Your bookkeeping must be organized in order to do this properly, as well as for items like filing your tax return early (which has numerous advantages).

And if you hire a cheap small business accountant, you'll need to follow up on your bookkeeping, such as sending invoices and keeping track of your spending, and they can't do their work without understanding your revenue and expenses.

When your bookkeeping is in order, your cheap tax return accountant will assist you in making tax-wise choices such as how much to pay yourself, what business structure to use, and whether or not to apply for VAT.


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