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Termites are a common pest to encounter in many homes and gardens. If you find termite infestations following a timber pest inspection in Sydney or even a self-inspection in your yard or garden, here's what you should do next.

First off, it is important to identify whether the insects that have made their way into your home are actually termites. This can be done by examining the insect's body for certain characteristics like mandibles and wings.

You will want to contact a professional exterminator if this is confirmed as there is no point in attempting to treat an infestation on your own without proper knowledge of how to go about doing so.

It may also be beneficial for you to purchase some type of pesticide from a local store or hardware store that can be used to kill off any remaining insects in your home.

If you have a large infestation, then it may be necessary for you to call an exterminator out twice or more times depending on how many insects are present and the severity of the issue.

Identifying the type of termite  – Identifying the type of termite that has infested your yard will help determine what steps should be taken next to get rid and prevent future problems with these pests.

Subterranean termites – These are by far the most common species found all over the world so it's likely you'll find them on your property if there is a colony already established nearby. They typically make their nests underground, but can also set up shop inside wooden structures including sheds or homes depending on how close they may live to your home or garden.

Drywood: These termites don't build nests in soil like subterranean or damp wood species, but instead they prefer to nest within dry wooden structures that have been around for many years without disturbance. Some examples include old furniture and homes built more than 50-100 years ago where it is likely there is a colony nearby already established, even if you can't see one from your home window because they may be behind walls on another floor of the building.

Dampwood: This type is also less common than most others due to its preference for wet environments which limit their territory range greatly compared to other forms of termites. These termites live in very specific conditions like rotting wood, fallen trees and logs that have been submerged by water for a long period of time. Examples include decaying stumps or branches found around the foundation of your home.

If you notice termites on any wooden structures near your property, it's best to get an extermination team out as soon as possible so they can treat the infestation before it develops further into something more serious and costly. With either type of drywood species, they typically only infest homes within their own territory range which is usually less than 100 square feet, but this depends on many different factors such as how close neighbouring houses are located.

One of the best ways to check for termite infestations in your home is to look for signs of termite activity such as frass (termite droppings) under windowsills and piles of sawdust near a tree trunk.

If you have found evidence that there are termites nearby, it is important to take steps and call a professional exterminator. This will help ensure the safety of your home as well as those in neighbouring homes, because these pests can spread really fast within a neighbourhood.

A professional pest control company will be able to treat the infested areas as well as ensure that they get rid of any termite nests around your yard. If you want to treat the infested areas yourself, make sure that you are wearing protective gear such as gloves and a respirator mask when handling chemicals or dusts used for killing these pests. Be careful not to inhale fumes from pesticides and avoid coming into contact with them since they can be harmful if ingested or absorbed through the skin. In addition, wear goggles or safety glasses before spraying anything on walls where there may be eggs in crevices near windowsills and doorways where termites might enter the home. If possible, opt for an eco-friendly alternative such as boric acid which is effective at eliminating bugs but doesn't harm other animals like pets who might wander near that area.

There are a variety of pesticide options one can choose from, but if you know for certain that termites have invaded the property then it is best to pick up some insecticides which contain an active ingredient known as bifenthrin. This chemical compound has been proven effective at killing entire colonies so picking up something with this toxin will immediately get rid of any living insects today and prevent them from coming back again in a few days. Start spraying where initial signs such as wood shavings or mud tubes were found. Termite infestations aren't normally detected until they've already established themselves within the home's walls. If you notice anything out of place, start by applying pesticides near windowsills and doorways since these locations frequently provide access points for these pests to enter your home.

Any sightings of termite infestations should be reported as soon as possible. This will not only allow pest control professionals to treat the infestation before it becomes worse but also prevent other colonies from establishing new nests nearby.

While carrying out a regular timber pest inspection in Sydney is of the utmost importance to keep these pests at bay, inspect your property yourself regularly will also help keep it clean to prevent infestations from developing in the future.


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