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Let's start this post by focusing on a fine point. The title is Why boudoir is important. Not why a boudoir session is important, or why boudoir photos are important. And why do you suppose that is? Well, for starters, a boudoir session is just an activity. Boudoir photos? Just the artifacts.

To focus on either misses the fact that the boudoir experience on the whole is what’s so momentarily engulfing and ultimately life-changing. And, consequently, important.

One Soul Boudoir

The impact starts with a decision

You see, the instant you push aside negative thoughts and negative emotions to seriously entertain having intimate photographs made of yourself, you’re assailed with inputs.

You re-hear everything you’ve ever been taught or told (for better or worse) about who you are, how you look, how you should conduct yourself, and what you’re worth on the open market of society.

And all that continues playing in the back of your mind as you wade deliberately into the boudoir pool and, whether it’s your intention or not, into the unexplored depths of your self-acceptance.

Boudoir is important as a journey

So. What’s important isn’t just the planning about what to wear and how to prepare. It isn’t the imaginative fantasies you’ll have about poses, looks and scenes fed by boudoir photos from Pinterest boards.

It isn’t even the indulgent hair and makeup attention you’ll get in your makeover before you head to the boudoir studio for your photo session.

And, contrary to what you might expect, it isn’t your nervous channeling of unpracticed sensuality and romance as you try to lounge convincingly for the camera. Half-naked. In front of your boudoir photographer, a stranger. For the first time.

Not even that, by itself, is what’s important.

What about the photos? No, the insanely beautiful pictures you’ll eventually see don’t encapsulate what makes boudoir so important.

Bottom line

All of this combined is what makes a boudoir photo shoot so important to some women. It includes everything from the rush of emotions when you consciously commit to a session to the self-reevaluation you begin when you see your photos for the first time.

It’s every bit of the boudoir experience multiplied by the lifelong impact of finally understanding what makes you beautiful — impacts that can ripple across many aspects of your life.

Your romantic relationships are an obvious benefactor. When you feel better about yourself, you’re not only more open to overtures, you’re inexplicably more attractive. 

Your heart — the thing beating in your chest — is another winner.  We often think of stress as an externally originating negative in our lives. But we can bring on our own stress, too, just by being unhappy. When looking in the mirror, we often confuse what we see with who we see. There's a difference. Figure it out. Because when you like yourself better, your heart (and your mental health) gets some stress-relief. 

Boudoir helps. And One Soul Boudoir is here for the women of Greater Atlanta. 


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