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Cats are generally a bit introvert in nature. They believe in the ‘live and let live’ philosophy with occasional requirements of belly rubs and behind-the-ear scratches. Although this is what most of the cats are like, you might just end up with a needy one which constantly demands your attention by rubbing its body against your leg or cozying up to you on the couch.

Dogs are always on the verge of excitement and seem super keen to befriend new people who come into your house by showering them with love and emotion. Although cats do it in a subtle way, they also shower their favorite humans with love and affection. Today we are going to discuss in brief about this topic and share some tips regarding how you can provide emotional support to your cat.

Every single cat has a unique personality just like humans which make them showcase affection in different ways. Thus, to make the most out of your sessions with your fur baby, you need to understand its behavior in details so that you both can bond better and share some quality time together.

Cats cannot be thought of as an animal who likes moving in packs. However, instances of these felines forming strong bonds of friendship with humans are also not rare. While your dog will constantly wag its tail at every random stranger, your cat might be a bit selective in terms of choosing friends. Maybe this is why it is not possible for everyone to provide emotional support to your cat as it latches on to a selected few.

Chances of developing this attachment increases if you had adopted the kitten while it was just a baby. In such a case, the feline gets to spend a lot of time with you and can develop a certain feeling of belonging towards you and your family. On the other hand, if you adopt a mature cat, then it might require a substantial amount of time to get accustomed to its completely new surroundings.

A Talk About Emotions

Cats feel emotions just like other mammals. But its way of expressing the same might be different. Some of the most common emotions experienced by cats are sadness, fear, happiness, grief, anxiety, anger and curiosity which makes it imperative to provide proper emotional support to your cat. Animals cannot express their feelings in a way similar to humans and thus it becomes difficult to gauge their specific feelings. In spite of that, you shouldn’t think of cats as inconsiderate to your affections.

Scientific Study

A study conducted in 2015 revealed that cats were most likely to approach owners who were equally enthusiastic about meeting and greeting them. Cats tend to attune to the emotions displayed by their humans and act according to the same. Thus, if you have ever wondered whether your cat can actually understand your feelings, then it can do that very well. You can think of this behavior as a survival instinct developed over the years by felines for avoiding confrontation with more powerful predators.

Researches conducted for revealing whether it is necessary to provide emotional support to cat have led scientists into believing that the brain structures of cats are similar to humans, especially in the areas involving emotions. Serotonin and dopamine are the two hormones that stimulate love and affection in the human body. The same can also be said about felines. Another study examined the effect of particular drugs on the brain cells of cats and humans.

Buspirone an antidepressant was administered amongst feline as an anti-anxiety medication and revealed a substantial increase in affection of the kitties towards their human friends. This further speaks out in favor of the idea that the particular segments of the brain which feel love, affection and happiness are just the same both in case of felines and humans.

Do Cats Need Attention

If you want to show emotional support to your cat, then you need to shower it with loads of attention. However, it becomes difficult to gauge the amount of attention your kitty requires as every cat has unique needs. While some might need more bonding time with their humans, others are happy just to have their favorite food and toys around. In such a scenario, you can just proceed with a trial and error method to understand what your cat actually likes.

It also becomes essential to respect the boundaries of your cat so that you don’t come off as too obtrusive. Suppose you pick up your cat for a cozy snuggle and she tries to walk away, you shouldn’t mistake this as lack of emotion but rather think of this as a sign through which you cat is trying to say, “Now right now.”

At times, emotional support to your cat might be highly appreciated by your feline friend. In such scenarios, they will keep on rubbing against your leg and meowing constantly. Having clear knowledge about the general meaning of basic cat sounds and body postures can help you bond better with your furry little friend.


How To Make Your Cat Feel Loved

·      Pamper these royal creatures with some attention be it in the form of occasional cuddles or maybe even sharing your bed at times.

·      Stroke your cat gently from its nose to tail to provide a spa-like experience. You can bank on different cat products for massaging your furry babies while checking for bumps, lumps or sores which might require medical attention.

·      You can include a training session for bonding better with your cats and also showing them how much they mean to you. This can also serve as a great means of breaking out from their daily routine.


You can bring home different cat accessories available online to spice up your training sessions. So, try it out today and don’t forget to write to us and how well you both have bonded over the past few days.


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