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As a Missoula chiropractor, I work passionately with   Joint Pain Hack Review  the citizens of Missoula county to get to the root cause of any symptoms and help families achieve and maintain lifelong wellness. Symptoms such as neck and back pain could be due to underlying causes elsewhere in the body such as improper posture. But do you know that any of these problems could potentially be coming from improper foot health

On the weekends during football season, we watch the Montana Grizzly football team from the University of Montana, run powerfully across the field. As elite athletes these young men depend on the health of their feet. Without the solid foundation and high performance of their feet, the football team would not win a game. The foot is a great masterpiece from nature. Aside from enabling you to walk upright, it also supports your weight and plays a role in your balance and posture. The foot has a specialized design, with 26 bones and 33 joints. Though compact is size, it is a very complex system, and aside from bones, they also have a network of tendons, muscles and blood vessels.



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