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A complete blood count or CBC test provides information about an individual's overall health. It is used to detect infections and diseases, as well as, monitor the effect of medications on an individual's body. A CBC test measures white blood cells, red blood cells, haemoglobin, haematocrit, platelets, etc.

Before getting the test done, an individual can ask their doctor whether they need to stop any medications as some of them may have an impact on the results.

When a person is planning to take a reasonably priced CBC test in Jaipur, Delhi or any other city, it is recommended to choose a reputed pathology lab.  Let us learn more about a complete blood count test.

A complete blood count test is used to measure different components in the blood to diagnose certain infections and diseases.

It is recommended to get best CBC test price in Ahmedabad, Delhi, Chennai or any other metropolitan city. This will ensure that the test results are genuine and accurate.

What is Measured in a CBC test?

A CBC test is also known as full blood count, or blood cell count. A complete blood count test measures components of the blood including:

1 – Red blood cells – They transport oxygen throughout from the lungs to other parts of the body.

2- White blood cells – They fend against illnesses and infections. White blood cells are divided into five main categories. These are granulocytes (i.e. neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils), monocytes, and lymphocytes (T-cells and B-cells).

3 – Platelets – They help blood clots to stop bleeding when a person has an injury.

4 – Haemoglobin – Red blood cells contain the protein haemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

5 – Haematocrit – A measurement of the proportion of red blood cells in the blood.

6 – Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) – This gauges the size of your red blood cells when a complete blood count test is conducted.

What is a CBC Test Used for?

It is often done as a part of a routine check-up. This test can help detect a variety of medical conditions including infections, blood cancers, diseases of the immune system, etc. A healthcare provider can recommend a complete blood count as part of a routine check-up or to monitor the impact of medications.

Moreover, a CBC test helps doctors in examining the symptoms of a condition that could affect a person’s blood cells. Besides this, a medical practitioner prescribes this test to a person who has symptoms such as fever, fatigue, or shortness of breath.

When is a CBC Test Prescribed?

A CBC blood test can be prescribed when a person has anaemia, a bone marrow disorder such as thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, etc., or cancers like leukaemia and lymphoma. This is because such diseases can cause low white blood cell count or high white blood cell count.

Treatments like chemotherapy, medications, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also have an impact on the blood count. Thus, a complete blood count test helps doctors monitor the blood and its components comprehensively.

It is easy to get a best CBC test price in Ahmedabad, Delhi or any city in India. However, it is advised to book one after considering a pathology lab’s reputation, time taken for test results, and accreditation.


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