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Connectors to Avoid in OET Letter Writing

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In OET letter writing, certain Connectors to Avoid in OET to maintain a formal and professional tone. These include: and, but, also, then, firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, furthermore, moreover, apart from (this/that), meanwhile, later on, hence, thereafter, thus. Using these connectors can make the writing appear informal or overly conversational.

Important Considerations:

  1. Avoid Simple Connectors: Do not start sentences with connectors like and, but, also. Use alternatives such as additionally or therefore.
  2. Spoken vs. Written: Words like then, firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally are more suited for spoken English.
  3. Unnecessary Use: If a sentence makes sense without a connector, omit it. For example, “Therefore, she requires further assessment” can be simplified to “She requires further assessment.”
  4. Repetition: Avoid repeating the same connectors throughout the letter.
  5. Inappropriate Connectors: Do not use academic (furthermore, moreover), informal (besides, meanwhile, later on), or outdated connectors (hence, thus, thereafter).

Types and Purpose of Connectors:

  • Simple Connectors: and, but, or – join clauses within a sentence.
  • Complex Connectors: before, after, although – link dependent and independent clauses.
  • Adding Information: additionally, in addition.
  • Cause & Effect: therefore, as a result, due to.
  • Contrast: however, despite, although.
  • Emphasis: notably, significantly.
  • Time Frame: subsequently, initially.
  • Empathy: unfortunately, regrettably – use sparingly to convey serious conditions.

Proper use of connectors enhances clarity and professionalism in OET letters by logically joining information, improving sentence structure, and ensuring a smooth flow of information.

For more info: https://edubenchmark.com/blog/list-of-linking-connectors-to-avoid-in-oet-letter-writing/