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The Google search engine typically uses the Title tag on a home page to make its content appear as a clickable title on the results page. However, the mere presence of the site name in the tag is not enough. This information must appear at the beginning to position itself at the top when an Internet user launches a query on the mark.

Why put the brand name at the start of the Title tag on the home page?

When creating a website home page, besides the title size “standards”, its content is crucial. In particular, as part of an SEO strategy aimed at improving the reputation of the company, the brand must be placed at the beginning of the tag. Otherwise, in the first 60 to 65 characters, it is visible before the clipping of the title that appears in the search results.

The danger of this technique for sites already enjoying good natural referencing and well known to Internet users is that the brand monopolizes the best place on all requests for all pages. These are all wasted opportunities to get # 1 on other important keywords.

What impacts for a brand missing from the Title tag or placed at the end?

If the name of the site is only integrated at the end of the tag, the search engine can modify its display.

Finally, some brands choose to exclude their name from the title tag, for example in favor of a key expression that presents its activity. This strategy is often used by unpopular sites, as the chances of Internet users entering the name as a query are low.

In both cases, the brand does not control the title that Google displays, which can be detrimental to it on the issue of branding.

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