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Job portal development cost for an app can range from $10,000 to $200,000 and $8,000 to $180,000 for a website, depending on the portal complexity, UI/UX design, number and type of features, and location of developers. The development costs can also vary for every job portal according to different budget limits, project requirements, and business goals. However, the driving factors of costs will usually be the same for every job portal development project.

Only after evaluating these factors carefully and for the requirements of your business goals can you estimate the exact cost of development for your job portal. In this article, you can learn more about the factors that drive the job portal development costs, which should help you estimate the project cost more effectively.

6 Driving Factors of Job Portal Development Cost

Every step in the job portal development process can increase or decrease the project costs while promising better ROI or failure, all depending on how you plan the process, estimate, plan, and manage the cost, and which experts you choose for building the job portal website and application.

Job Portal Platforms

You can choose to build a job portal mobile app for Android and iOS along with a website or you can build one or two of these. The point is that the more platforms you choose, the higher the costs will be for development.

A cost-effective alternative is to build a cross-platform application that can work on multiple platforms like Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and the web. However, cross-platform apps rarely have the same quality of high performance and user experience as a native application (which costs more to build if you need to build the portal for every platform.

The table below contains an average estimation of job portal development costs according to platforms.

Job Portal Development Cost for Various Platforms

Android (Native)

$50,000 to 95,000

iOS (Native)

$45,000 to $90,000


$15,000 to $80,000


$25,000 to $45,000

Note: The secret behind the success of many job portals is that they make their platform accessible on multiple platforms, attracting a wider user base.


Job portal app and website complexity determine whether it will be an MVP/basic portal or an advanced one. However, you can ensure a user-friendly experience in both versions. Check out the table below for more insights:

Job Portal Development Cost Based on Complexity

Mobile App


$10,000 to $20,000


$35,000 to $85,000


$120,000 to 300,000



$8,000 to $15,000


$25,000 to $70,000


$90,000 to $250,000

Number and Type of Feature

Features are the primary driving factors of cost in job portal development. Besides the core ones like User Registration and Apply for a Job, you may add features like Personalized Job Recommendations and AI-based Resume Creation, which will increase the portal development costs.

For example, if an app and website with only the job portal essential features cost $10,000 to $45,000, then the same app and website with multiple and advanced features can cost you $100,000 to $200,000.

UI/UX Design

Any successful mobile app/web business or developers will tell you that user interface and experience are the key elements behind the success of a digital business. They determine how your job portal will look and feel to users and how it improves the convenience of job search and recruitment. For example, most of what makes Netflix so appealing to users is how it showcases and recommends its content rather than its quality.

Therefore, you must plan the UI/UX design strategy for your job portal carefully to estimate, plan, and manage its costs effectively. The table below should help you get an idea of how much job portal design will cost you.

Job Portal Design Cost

Mobile App Design


$3,000 to $5,000


$12,000 to $25,000


$35,000 to $80,000

Web Design


$2500 to $4000


$10,000 to 20,000


$25,000 to $60,000

Development Process

The job portal app and website development process can determine the hours required to complete the project. And every hour will increase the development costs since most app and web developers charge by the hour.

For example, if your app/web developer charges $25 per hour, then the project that takes 1200 hours to complete will cost you $30,000 (for every developer if more than one are required).

The best way to save and manage the cost in this stage is by planning the development process carefully and strategically. Generally, the process can involve idea validation, job portal tech stack selection, wireframing, UI design, UX design, backend development, and quality assurance/testing.

You can then evaluate the requirements of all these stages for your job portal development project to plan and manage the process/hours better. The key thing to remember is that the longer the job portal development takes, the more it will cost you (while not necessarily leading to a quality-driven and profitable job portal).


Job portal maintenance cost is a post-development stage that you must, however, plan during the development. It is because most digital platforms do not succeed right away no matter how value-driven and user-friendly they are. But they can have issues like bugs, errors, crashes, and update requirements. That is why you must plan the maintenance cost for your job portal during development since your platform may not generate any revenue in the first year after deployment.

The yearly maintenance costs for a job portal website can range from $10,000 to $20,000, while the maintenance costs for the app can range from $15,00 to $25,000. However, the complexity of your job portal website and app will again be the driving factor of costs, whether it is for maintenance or a quality assurance process.


If you wish to simplify the process of cost estimation for your job portal, the most ideal thing to do is hire an established mobile app and web development agency. It is because evaluating the various factors mentioned above can be a complex task that requires more than just skill and patience; it requires industry experience.

An all-in-one development agency can provide that for you, helping you to plan the process, manage the development project, and estimate, plan, and manage the project cost in a way that minimizes financial risk regardless of the project outcome.

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