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Co-working spaces have started gaining a lot of traction recently and it’s really not that see why. Combining the comfort of remote work with the productivity that can be achieved only in an office, co-working setups allow you to do your job however you like whenever you like but still engage in productive work and occasional brainstorming with like-minded professionals.

So, if you are moving to a remote position, looking to start your own gig or your company wants to get that extra dose of flexibility, why not create a co-working space and harness all the benefits we mentioned above? Renting out free spaces to other workers or freelancers may even open up an additional source of revenue for you.

Let us take a look at what makes the perfect co-working space and how to set it up.

Take care of the logistics

The whole point of co-working spaces is to help professionals escape oppressive office surroundings and move to a more relaxing environment while inspiring a higher level of productivity. In order for that to be possible, the space needs to leverage all the same assets as a full-scale office. So, be sure to provide access to high-speed internet, VOIP, numerous outlets for all imaginable devices, Ethernet plugs for each workstation, and amenities like coffee dispensers, smart HVAC systems, etc. Water filters and dispensers, isolated smoking areas, and enough storage space are preferred as well.

Marry comfort and functionality

This is another thing to keep in mind – co-working spaces need to be relaxed and comfortable. That is why you shouldn’t limit the workstations only to traditional desk and chair setups, but instead offer a variety of furniture options, sofas, bean bag chairs, and other popular picks. Leveraging an open floor layout will allow workers to roam freely and choose their preferred positions as they see fit. Of course, co-working spaces should encourage brainstorming and discussion, so arrange these pieces in a way that will encourage social interactions. Each area should have some focal point like a coffee dispenser.

Choose an appropriate location

Creating a co-working space presents a considerable investment, so make sure it is utilized as much as possible. You will do that by making it easily accessible. Depending on what type of office you want to create, that means that co-working space needs to be in the vicinity of your premises, close to other business hubs, or simply in an area that sees a lot of foot traffic and is likely to attract part-time workers and freelancers. Be sure then to check the apartments for rent and find something that meets these criteria and is close to main traffic lines, restaurants, and other similar amenities.

Make the office economically sustainable

As we mentioned above, setting up a coworking space can put quite a pressure on your budget. That is why you should do everything in your power to trim down the amount of money you will spend or even try to get some of that money back. First, whenever possible opt for sustainable tech like energy-efficient LED lights, smart IoT-powered utilities, and Cloud-based work tools. Second, you should encourage the occupants to spend more money in the office rather than outside of it. So feel free to throw in a cafeteria, paid gym, sauna, meditation room, or some other premium service.

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Roll up your sleeves and get involved

This applies no matter whether you are starting a coworking space within your company or as your own venture. In any of these cases, you can do nothing but benefit from spending more time on-site and getting the overall gist first-hand. This is the only way to properly assess the overall functionality and atmosphere and make necessary course corrections. You will also get an opportunity to play the role of a collaboration instigator to the benefit of all current occupants. Of course, you will also get an opportunity to do your own tasks in a stimulating, productive, and sustainable environment.

Inspire creativity and productivity at every step

To put it simply, your co-working space will serve its purpose and attract occupants only if these pros are able to attain optimal creativity and productivity. If you want to get that competitive edge, do your best to promote these qualities at every instance. Some of the assets you have at your disposal come in the form of pleasant colors (primarily green, blue, orange, and yellow), natural-looking elements, indoor plants, interesting pieces of art, and so on. You can even throw in some games and puzzles like Rubik’s Cube and Scrabble. All these things can prove to be very fun and stimulating.

So, these are some of the main guidelines you should follow when setting up a co-working space to make sure it successfully takes off. Regardless of whether you are building up this space as your own venture or within your company, co-working spaces need to be pleasant, and stimulating and present occupants with opportunities for brainstorming. Fortunately, all these things have, by now, been pretty much sorted out. You only need to follow everything we talked about above and you will be just fine.



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