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Creating Viral Apps: Strategies for Organic Growth

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Someone will download your app after they learn about it and are interested in the idea. The next step for the user is activation. In this phase, users interact with your app. You must offer a ton of value, encourage users to keep using your app, and then inspire them to share it if you want to move individuals from activation to sharing. Once a user spreads the app, the viral cycle is closed and continues. Hire App Developers In India for developing apps that will get viral in months. 


Integrating social sharing features into your app's operation is one of the easiest and least invasive ways to foster growth. No matter what class your app belongs to, it's always a good idea to enable in-app social sharing. This can be accomplished by adding social media feeds straight to your app or by creating CTAs or sharing buttons for social media.


Although asking users to review your app may seem obvious, many marketers and developers miss out on worthwhile possibilities every day. To get as many positive evaluations as you can without being aggressive should be your aim. Positive reviews can increase your app's search ranking in the app store, which will result in more impressions and downloads as well as a nice first impression from other potential users.


The term “contextual deep linking” was created by the business Branch. The premise behind this notion is that when people use their phones to click on links, their devices would record information about the user, including their name and the website they were reading at the time the link was clicked. The user's device would then prompt them to install the app, presuming they didn't already have it installed. Finally, after the app is installed, the user's device will transfer the personal data it has collected to the mobile app so they may resume browsing right away.

Contextual deep links keep track of the user's intended destination, the location where the link was clicked, the person who first shared the link, and other specific data. This enables the creation of complex features by app developers, such as customized welcome pages and referral systems that go beyond basic content links. Because it makes it possible for apps to offer better experiences and more pertinent information, app users gain from this.


Did you realize that the most crucial phase of the customer journey is the onboarding of new users? Your user's attention will be captured and your retention rate will rise if your onboarding process is perfect.


Your app's “wow moment” or “wow factor” needs to be impressive and offer enough value for users to feel an immediate, strong connection to it. The “wow moment” that your software offers consumers should be experienced as early in the user journey as possible. 


According to 92% of consumers, recommendations from friends and family are the only forms of advertising they trust. Additionally, up to 50% of all purchasing decisions are influenced by word of mouth. Utilizing the most effective kind of app marketing—recommendations—is in your best interest. 


Gamification has been shown to innately raise dopamine levels. Your brain gets excited when you eventually complete a challenging level or acquire more power-ups in a game. Gamification increases the perceived enjoyment of routine chores and activities. The overall user experience is improved as a result. The Fogg model illustrates the three factors that have to coincide in order for a behavior to take place—in this case, for a user to interact with a gamified app feature.

  1. Motivation
  2. Ability
  3. Trigger

BJ Fogg’s Behavior Model is known as B (Behavior) = MAT

The user's motivation—what they want to do—is the first component. The user will become more motivated and likely to finish the work if they have a specific objective in mind.

Ability describes how easy or challenging an activity is for a person to do. The likelihood of someone finishing a task increases with its ease and vice versa. Lastly, there is a trigger. A trigger is an occurrence that influences a user to engage in an activity at a specific time. The likelihood that a trigger will be successful increases with a user's ability and motivation at the moment the trigger happens. When these three factors come together, the user is bound to interact with the gamification you intended to occur.


Eyal claims that a hook contains four components.

  1. Trigger

External or internal triggers make up triggers. The user's next action is sent through the external trigger. Emails, billboards, push notifications, CTAs, and tweets are a few examples. An internal trigger, or a trigger that spontaneously arises, is when a connection within the user's memory transmits information about the next action to do. Interpersonal communication, daily routines, emotions, and other personal experiences can all serve as internal triggers. 

  1. Action

The term “actions” refers to behaviors carried out in anticipation of a reward. Simple tasks like scrolling, searching, and watching videos, for instance, could be seen as actions because the user anticipates gaining psychological satisfaction from performing them.

  1. Variable Reward

Variable rewards make us concentrate and interact more with the app, which boosts in-app activity. Creating changeable rewards that “scratch an itch” (i.e., social recognition) while yet leaving the user wanting more of the reward should be your aim when building your app.

4. Investment

When a user takes a step that raises the app's value to them, that is when investment occurs. Investment examples include:

  • establishing a profile
  • requesting friends to install the app
  • Keeping private information (pictures and videos) in the app 
  • Purchasing extra features

Also read Upcoming Trends in Mobile App Development.


Have you ever been working on something when a push notification interrupted you? You most likely have. How come this happens?

Push notifications are strong, compelling external triggers or cues that people feel compelled to interact with, as the Hooked Model explains. They might be seen as a connection between an emotional itch and the remedy the service offers. Do not simply believe us; research has shown that those tiny red badges and notifications may enhance app engagement by 88% and retention rates by 3–10 times.


The goods and applications that later upend entire industries and alter the course of history are not just good—they are exceptional. Why is the adjective “remarkable” important? When something is exceptional, it merits discussion. After all, creating a product that speaks for itself is the best form of marketing.


Implementing these eight strategies to build growth will help your business to get revenue. With the help of an app Development Company In India, you can achieve this easily.