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If you’re promoting your brand’s new product, you want to avoid overhyping it. Without the right strategy, customers might have overblown expectations or not have the right information they need to actually use the product. With the help of a complete product education platform with the capabilities of an explainer video production company, you can educate potential customers, helping them make an informed purchase decision instead of relying solely on hype.

Influencers vs. Experts

Influencer partnerships can have their place in a dynamic marketing campaign, but you want to find explainer video companies that strategically feature influencers in your marketing content. Influencers offer excellent brand reach thanks to their high follower or subscriber count.

However, customers often don’t think influencers actually use the products they hype. Viewers can think they are disingenuous, only being paid to read from a script instead of talking from personal experiences.

Experts, on the other hand, use your products as part of their daily routine and can offer tips learned from industry experience. It makes them qualified, authentic, and trustworthy. This helps establish a stronger connection with your audience, building brand trust and loyalty.

Authoritative Explainer Videos

One of the best uses of video production services is to create authoritative explainer videos. These simple videos show consumers how to use your product, educate potential customers, and give them tips and tricks.

Featuring expert testimony and advice gives your customer base essential information that’s hard to come by otherwise. The expert already has the knowledge since they use your product and work in the industry and can give real-world use cases.

It’s an excellent way to manage expectations so customers know exactly what they are buying. This, in turn, can reduce the number of returns and lead to positive reviews from real customers. And since a recent survey revealed that educated consumers return 50% less, expert product videos are an effective way to reduce the cost of returns.

Professional Opinions

On the topic of opinions, experts are the most qualified to give opinions about your product. They are professionals in the industry, so their opinions carry weight. You can’t fake that kind of credibility.

The key is to let them give their unscripted opinion. Let them share everything they love about your product, even comparing and contrasting it with competitors’ products. This can help build trust with your customers, as they know the professionals aren’t holding back. With this approach, your brand isn’t only hyping the product but offering a realistic, comprehensive picture instead.

Combining Reach and Expert Knowledge

There is a way to combine effective promotion and impactful education, extending the reach of your brand and educating an audience that you might otherwise not reach. You don’t have to choose between experts and influencers.

If experts have the necessary knowledge and experience and influencers have the reach, combine the two into a collaborative video where the expert teaches the influencer how to use your product. There won’t be any lingering feeling of inauthenticity—the professional is educating the influencer, and the audience, by extension, is also learning everything they need to know about your product.

About The Desire Company

Building trust with consumers is the foundation of establishing brand loyalty. Thriving in the digital marketplace can hinge on customers’ confidence in your brand. Given the #deinfluencing trend and the FTC crackdown on fake reviews, consumers have made it crystal clear that they value authentic feedback and honest advice above all else. With The Desire Company, your brand can go beyond product recommendations from paid influencers, celebrities, and pseudo-experts. They’re more than a simple creative agency or video production company—The Desire Company is a complete product education platform. They combine expert vetting, content strategy, video embed technology, and media distribution, helping match your brand with industry professionals from their vast Pro Community. When you partner with The Desire Company, your customers can stay informed, not influenced, helping build trust and drive conversions.

Learn how The Desire Company can help you educate potential customers at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3xmZsO7

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