1. Android

Cyberbullies Beware: Protecting Your Child Online with CHYLDMONITOR’s Powerful Tools

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Youth spend most of their time online. There is a good chance that they have witnessed cyberbullying, experienced it themselves, or have been the ones bullying others. Cyberbullying is one of the most common crimes in the online world. Data suggests that approximately 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 in the United States experienced cyberbullying at some point.

However, there are steps that you can take as parents to prevent it from happening to your child. Let’s dive into how it can be achieved in this blog.

What is cyberbullying and what are its forms?

Cyberbullying happens when you interact with someone in an inappropriate manner online to hurt the person. It can be done on social media, instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp, or even emails. 

There are various forms of cyberbullying ranging from making fun of someone’s appearance and gossiping and spreading rumors to ganging up on someone.

What can you do as parents to protect your child – The role of monitoring apps

You as parents have a lot to do in safeguarding your children using technology. Phone spy apps are the window that you need to keep tabs on your children. Now you must be wondering how they can solve the problem. Well, not directly but they can help you know if your child is facing cyberbullying or is doing it so that you can make timely intervention.

But what are mobile spy apps? 

They are software applications that can be downloaded on the target phone, allowing the other person to track the content remotely. Mobile spy apps have a lot of monitoring features such as location tracking, WhatsApp spying, social media monitoring, and more.

Which is the best spy app?

There are several options available in the market when it comes to spy apps. However, not all are safe and reliable, especially the ones that are free as they might not be making money upfront but might be doing so by selling user data. Therefore, the choice needs to be made correctly.

We recommend CHYLDMONITOR which is one of the best phone spy apps for Android offering 60+ features. It offers end-to-end encryption keeping safety as the top priority. The 24*7 customer support adds to the features. The easy installation process and nominal cost further make it an ideal spy app.

How can CHYLDMONITOR help prevent cyberbullying?

CHYLDMONITOR offers various features to track the social media activities of your children. This is useful to protect children from predators, prevent cyber threats, and ensure overall online safety and security. Multiple platforms can be tracked using the app including WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and more. You can view the texts that are exchanged on each of the platforms. Additionally, you can also get VoIP call recordings along with the timestamps, duration, and contact details. 

Additional features that CHYLDMONITOR offers:

  • Call recording: All incoming and outgoing calls can be recorded and are displayed on the dashboard along with the duration, timestamp, and contact details. That’s not all, the calls can be recorded as well as downloaded for later.
  • Live location tracking: The live location of your child can be tracked and accessed through the dashboard along with the map view of the place. This is an excellent tool to protect your children in emergencies.
  • Browsing history and email tracking: The internet history of your child can also be viewed to get insights into the kind of content that your child is consuming and the pages and websites that they are visiting. Additionally, popular emails like Gmail, Ymail, and Outlook can also be tracked. 
  • Ambient sound recording: Once the microphone on the target device is enabled, the surround sound can also be captured along with the timestamp. It can be listened to and also downloaded for later.

Wrapping up

Teenagers spend a lot of their time online and are thus exposed to multiple risks and threats including cyberbullying. As parents there is so much that we can do to protect them. One way is by leveraging technology using spy apps. However, not every app is safe and reliable.

We recommend going for safe and secure apps like CHYLDMONITOR which offer a host of features to protect your children in this digital era.


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