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Dark spots on the face or pigment spots usually begin to appear in people aged 40 and over.

The biggest external factor for the appearance of dark spots on the face remains exposure to the sun, but there can be internal causes such as hormonal variations.
Attention   ! the appearance of pigment spots is not inevitable, there are solutions.

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Brown spots: 3 steps to treat them

NIFDO answers your questions about dark spots on the face.
“Hello this is M.Riaz from Nifdo Today I'm talking to you about the three essential steps to treat and reduce brown spots and prevent new ones from appearing.

How and why do the spots appear? First of all it depends on your lifestyle. Are you outdoors a lot? Many inside with halogens? Outside, exposed to a lot of UV? Are you diligent with your sun protection? So there are plenty of reasons.

For some it's more the small pigment spots on the cheekbones, the nose, which we call small “freckles”, for others it will really be bigger, deeper, a little more unsightly spots but everything this is being treated. We need three really important items, three important steps to treat them: lighteners, pigment blockers, and protections.

Step 1: Lighten

My first most important action is obviously the clarification and the champion I named for that is: vitamin C. Why? Because it will have a lightening effect in a few days, you will see a difference.

The skin, the complexion will be more radiant, the brown spots on the face will decrease because it has an immediate effect on the surface of the skin and in addition, it will not have an irritating or photosensitizing effect on the skin. Great bonus for vitamin C: it is anti-aging, antioxidant and will work on the firmness of your skin.

Step 2: Rehabilitate

My second essential action is to have a pigment blocker or an ingredient that will rehabilitate the function of my pigments in the skin.
Let me explain: when we make pigment spots , there are brown spots but most of the time, there are also white spots: that means that our small cells that produce pigments are a little “unbalanced” and so they make too much or not enough then in different places. What we want is to avoid brown spots, obviously, but we also want to have an even complexion and for that there are very specific products that do it very well.

Step 3: Protect

Third essential action: the skin must be protected, it must be protected from the sun's rays but also it must also be protected from other stimulants which will have an effect on the brown spots on the face. Pigment spots are stimulated by UV rays but also by infrared rays, also by inflammation, by pollution, by hormones, so we want to work on different aspects.

Then in that, we have sun protection but which will have several actions to protect us well.
So here I have a few, I was telling you about the Photo Regul earlier which was a protection, which we will call 360, which will protect against infrared, blue light, pollution, uv , obviously, but who will rehabilitate him at the same time, so who will have a pigment blocker .Our Coola protection 50  which will also be a 360 protection but at a higher level 50 for all those who like to do a lot of outdoor activities and who like really lighter, silky and less creamy textures like our Whitening  creams
So you are at home, you work, you wear it, in front of the halogens, then it will stabilize at the same time as UV protection, perfectly for sports and for everything.




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