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Are possums causing havoc in your backyard, leaving you frustrated and desperate for a solution? Look no further! Our blog post is here to provide you with the ultimate guide on dealing with these furry troublemakers. From clever DIY removal techniques to helpful tips and tricks, Possum Removal Cost has got you covered. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and damaged property as we unveil the secrets that will help you reclaim your space from possum invasion. Get ready to tackle this challenge head-on and create a haven free from unwanted visitors — let’s dive in!

Introduction to Possums

Possums are nocturnal animals that are native to Australia. There are two species of possums in Australia, the common brushtail possum and the ringtail possum. Possums are also found in New Zealand, where they were introduced by humans in the 1800s. Possums are not rodents, but they are marsupials, which means they have a pouch on their belly where they carry their young.

Possums are relatively small animals. The common brushtail possum is about the size of a large house cat, while the ringtail possum is slightly smaller. Both species of possums have thick fur that can be gray, brown, or black in color. Possums have long tails that they use for balance when they climb trees.

Possums are intelligent animals and can be trained to do tricks. They are also known for being good mothers, as they will care for their young until they are old enough to fend for themselves. However, possums can also be pests when they invade gardens or attics in search of food or shelter.

Why You Should Consider DIY Removal

If you have a possum problem, you may be considering DIY removal. This can be a great option if you’re on a budget or if you’re comfortable dealing with animals. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering DIY possum removal:

-Possums are protected by law in many states, so it’s important to check your local regulations before attempting to remove them yourself.

-Possums can be aggressive, so it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself while handling them.

-Possums can carry diseases, so it’s important to wear gloves and take other safety measures when handling them.

-Possums are good climbers, so live traps may not be effective.

-Possums can cause damage to your property, so it’s important to repair any holes or damage they’ve caused before attempting to remove them.

Common DIY Possum Removal Techniques

Possums are a common nuisance animal in many parts of the world. While they may not be as destructive as some other animals, they can still cause problems for homeowners. Possums are known to rummage through trash cans, steal pet food, and even enter homes through open doors and windows. If you’re dealing with a possum problem, there are a few different removal techniques you can try.

One common DIY possum removal technique is to set up a live trap. Live traps are designed to capture animals without harming them, so they’re a good option if you want to remove the possum without harming it. You can purchase live traps at most hardware stores or online. Be sure to check your local wildlife regulations before setting up a live trap, as there may be certain restrictions in place.

Another removal technique is to use repellents. There are a number of commercial repellents available that will deter possums from entering your yard or home. Repellents typically contain strong smells or tastes that possums find unpleasant, such as peppermint or citronella oil. You can also make your own repellent by mixing together water, vinegar, and essential oils in a spray bottle. Be sure to reapply the repellent regularly, as it will fade over time.

If you have pets, another option is to keep them inside at night. Possums are nocturnal creatures, so they’re most active at night when your pets

Tips & Tricks for Successful DIY Removal

If you’re dealing with possums on your property, you’ll want to know the best DIY removal techniques to get rid of them quickly and effectively. Here are some tips and tricks for successful DIY possum removal:

– Use a live trap: This is one of the most effective ways to remove possums from your property. You can purchase a live trap at your local hardware store or online. Be sure to bait the trap with foods that possums like, such as fruits, vegetables, or meat.

– Remove food sources: One way to deter possums from coming onto your property is to remove any food sources that they might be attracted to. If you have a compost bin or pet food bowl outdoors, make sure it’s covered so that possums can’t access it. Pick up any fallen fruit from trees or shrubs on your property.

– Seal off entry points: Another way to prevent possums from entering your home or yard is to seal off any potential entry points. Look for gaps in fences, around utility lines, or under porches and decks. Possums can squeeze through very small spaces, so be sure to check thoroughly. Once you’ve found an opening, seal it off with hardware cloth, chicken wire, or another type of fencing material.

Humane Possum Traps

When it comes to dealing with possums, the most humane way to remove them is by using a trap. There are many different types of possum traps available on the market, so it’s important to choose one that’s best for your particular situation. If you’re not sure which type of trap to use, consider consulting with a professional pest control operator.

One of the most popular types of possum traps is the live-catch trap. These traps are designed to capture the animal without harming it, and they can be baited with food to lure the possum inside. Once the possum is inside the trap, the door will close behind it and you can then transport the animal to a new location for release.

Another type of trap that can be used is the kill-trap. These traps are designed to kill the animal outright, and they’re typically used when an animal is causing significant damage or posing a threat to human safety. If you’re considering using a kill-trap, be sure to check your local laws first as they vary from state to state.

No matter which type of trap you decide to use, always set it up in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This will help ensure that you catch the possum safely and effectively.

What to Do Once the Possum Has Been Trapped

If you have successfully trapped a possum, the next step is to remove it from your property. Once the possum is in the trap, cover the trap with a towel or blanket to calm the animal down. Then, very carefully pick up the trap and bring it to a secluded area away from your home. Release the possum into an open space such as a park or forest. Do not release possums near other people’s homes as they may become aggressive if they feel threatened.

Legal Considerations When Removing Possums

If you’re dealing with possums on your property, there are a few legal considerations to keep in mind. First, it’s important to know that it is illegal to trap and relocate possums in most states. This is because possums are a protected species and their population is declining in many areas.

Second, even if you are allowed to trap and remove possums from your property, it’s important to do so humanely. This means using a live trap rather than a lethal trap, and making sure the possum has food and water while it’s being transported.

Be sure to check with your local wildlife authorities before taking any action to remove possums from your property. They can provide you with information about the best way to deal with the problem, and may even be able to help you with the removal process.


Possums can be a real nuisance if not dealt with properly. Fortunately, with the right DIY techniques, you can get rid of them and keep your home safe from any further damage. We hope this article has given you some insight into how to effectively deal with Possum in your area and take back control of your property. With effective remedies like these, there’s no need to call in an expensive pest control service — just use our tips and enjoy a pest-free home!
