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Today, everyone trusts CCTV cameras just as they trust their best friends! And why not, these systems have proved really helpful in solving the trickiest crimes and stopped even larger ones from happening. From malls to offices, schools, homes, and even streets are equipped with security camera systems nowadays — and their role in controlling crime is commendable. But unfortunately, there are some rumors attached to these which should be busted as soon as possible.

Let’s Break the Myths Around Security Cameras!

It is pretty easy to believe in myths! But it can be dangerous when you land yourself in big trouble because you believed in them. And such things may happen when you follow all the below-listed misconceptions about CCTV systems:

  • Security Cameras or Cctv Cameras Can Be Installed by Anyone — If you think that your CCTV camera is just like a remote-controlled toy and can be installed by anyone, then you are highly mistaken. This system can be very tricky and complex to install and only a professional team of experts should undertake the job for you.
  • Security Cameras Are Very Expensive— This is a myth that prevents many individuals from investing in a CCTV camera. But tell us, if you aren’t investing some amount on it now (which is nothing as compared to your annual restaurant bills), aren’t you going to lose your precious belongings worth millions? And what if even your life is in danger? Isn’t this investment better than these risks?
  • Cctv Camera Cannot Stop the Crime From Happening — You might believe the misconception that CCTV cameras just let you view the activities happening in your property, but you can’t stop the crime from happening. But that’s not the whole truth! There are some technically advanced security camera systems that don’t just allow you to view the actions happening in your property, you can even scare the burglars by recording your voice or using alarms or shock treatments along with it. The IP cameras from All Round Security are the perfect example of such technically advanced security systems that safeguard your property from all sorts of threats and even prevent such crimes from happening to a great extent.
  • Old Houses Can’t Hold the Security Cameras — Another common misconception which often lets you risk your security badly. Doesn’t matter if your walls are newly painted and just erected or you have a fifty-year-old house, a security system can be installed anywhere and does its job regardless of the strength of the wall or pole bearing its weight.
  • You Don’t Need a Security System if You Are Located in a Secure Place — You are lucky if you have your property in a socially safe place. But this doesn’t guarantee that no thefts or other mishaps can happen here. It’s better to be safe and prepared for any kind of problem than cry over the loss later.

If you ever hear these myths about secure cameras, do take a step forward and raise your voice and prove that these aren’t to be believed! No one should be without the safety of such an excellent security blessing just because of some mindless misconceptions!