1. Education

Deepening Your Spiritual Wellbeing: Advanced Vedic Science and Yogasutras | HUA

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The Vedic vision of holistic wellbeing encompasses both material and spiritual aspects, as discussed in the Vedic knowledge systems. The system of Yoga, as presented in the Yogasutras of Patañjali, offers a practical model for achieving such wellbeing through systematic practices that enrich the physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual states of an individual. This advanced course is the second part of a two-course series on Yoga in the Applied Vedic Science program. 


  • Completion of the Applied Vedic Science – Basic Yoga course 
  • Medium of Instruction: Sanskrit 
  • Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master's certificate students can register for these courses. 
  • Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit through MIT-SVS 
  • Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course 

Course Content: 

This course delves into the portion of the Yogasutras that defines and discusses the systematic means, known as sadhana, for attaining the most exalted state of spirituality. The course explores the technical definitions of these means and substantiates the process with logical reasoning where necessary. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the means for attaining an exalted state of spirituality as presented in the Yogasutras 
  • Logically analyze and comprehend the process presented in the Yogasutras

CONTACT — 407–205–2118

Overview >> Hindu University Of America

EMAIL- saksham.mangwana@hua.edu

Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811