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Deflation: what is it?

Deflation is the general trend of lower prices for goods and services. To put it another way, deflation is negative inflation. When it occurs, currency gains value over time. As a result, more goods and services can be purchased with the same amount of money.
The majority of people believe that deflation is an economic “problem” that has the potential to worsen a recession or initiate a spiral of deflation.

Economists believe that an increase in aggregate supply and a decrease in aggregate demand are the two primary factors that lead to deflation in an economy.

The decrease in aggregate demand leads to a decrease in the prices of goods and services. A decrease in aggregate demand can be attributed in part to the following factors:

A central bank can tighten monetary policy in response to a decrease in the money supply by raising interest rates. People prefer to save more money than to spend it right away because of this. Additionally, as a result of rising interest rates, rising borrowing costs discourage economic spending.

Loss of confidence in oneself Negative economic events, like a recession, can also lower aggregate demand. During a recession, for instance, people may become more pessimistic about the economy's future. Consequently, they would prefer to save more money and reduce spending right now.

An increase in aggregate supply is another factor that has the potential to result in deflation. The increased level of competition will then force producers to reduce prices. The expansion of aggregate supply may be attributed to the following factors:

Lower production costs can be achieved by lowering the price of essential production inputs like oil. As a result of producers' increased output, the economy will be oversupplied. If there is no change in demand, producers will need to lower their prices in order to keep people buying their products.

Technological advancements or the rapid implementation of new technologies in production may result in an increase in the total supply. Technological advancements will enable producers to cut costs. Products will probably cost less to buy as a result.

Effects of Deflation Recessions frequently bring about deflation. It is considered a bad economic event and has the potential to harm the economy in a number of ways, including:

Increase in the unemployment rate During deflation, the unemployment rate will rise. As prices fall, one common cost-cutting measure for producers is to lay off workers.

Deflation is accompanied by an increase in interest rates, which will lead to an increase in the actual value of debt. As a result, customers are more likely to put off spending.

A situation known as a “deflation spiral” occurs when falling prices start a chain reaction that lowers demand, wages, production, and prices even more. Due to the fact that it makes the situation even worse, the deflation spiral is a significant economic obstacle during a recession.

Additional Resources CFI provides an extensive selection of online courses in economics, accounting, and financial analysis for additional learning. You can use the following CFI resources to continue your career advancement:

Purchasing Power Parity

Market Economy

Economic Indicators.

Gross Domestic Product

Demand for gold and, consequently, the price of gold canada can both significantly rise as a result of even deflation. Disinflation and low inflation would be the only negative outcomes for gold.


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