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Millennials and Gen Z consumers are no longer satisfied with influencer culture. Instead, they are quietly unfollowing social media content they find shallow and surface-level. Consumer trends have inspired introspection, making them reevaluate their identity and values, which led to the deinfluencing movement. Amidst the FTC’s stronger regulations against fake reviews and consumers’ backlash against influencers, it’s vital that your brand finds a product review services partner who can connect you with expert influencers—professionals who know and use your products. Here’s everything you need to know about how it can help your brand stand out.

Deinfluencing and Social Media

Deinfluencing is seen as the antithesis of influencing, with content creators advising consumers not to buy viral products, such as tumblers and makeup kits. It’s an effort to get consumers to think critically about the products they purchase. Often, products are hyped by influencers on social media despite the fact that they don’t actually use the product. They read from a script, hype a product, and collect a paycheck. They lack authenticity, can’t give an honest opinion, and don’t build trust with your audience.

FTC Regulations on Reviews

At the same time, the FTC is cracking down on fake reviews. Not only are fake reviews facing a ban, but they can also pose a problem for your brand. It’s often obvious when a bot has left a fake review. A product with thousands of stellar reviews with superficial reasoning is not helpful for potential consumers, nor does it entice them to buy the product. It doesn’t foster transparency or authenticity, which modern consumers crave. So long as you aren’t posting fake reviews, suppressing honest negative reviews, or paying for positive reviews, you can easily adhere to the FTC’s rules.

Expert Influencers and How They Build Authenticity

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year for 2023 is “authentic.” Consumers crave authenticity, and it’s hard to fake. Fake reviews stand out and do more harm than good, while honest, authentic reviews can help foster connection with your consumer base. Video reviews are a great way to build credibility. Work with a product education platform that also has the capabilities of an explainer video production company to feature expert influencers in video reviews. They know your product and can speak with authority since they regularly use it.

Embracing Transparency

The key to working with a promotional video production company, especially if it’s part of a larger product education platform, is embracing transparency. Take the good with the bad, acknowledge pain points, and get ahead of them. When creating video reviews and explainer content, it’s better to show how your product stacks up to competitors than to pretend they don’t exist. This shows the audience that, as a brand, you aren’t burying your head in the sand and misrepresenting your product. This extra level of honesty goes a long way in fostering credibility and connecting with your audience.

About The Desire Company

Honest reviews are more important than ever in the digital age, and consumers are always searching for brands they can trust. But earning their trust is tricky, especially when many consumers no longer trust influencer promotions. The Desire Company aims to help brands enhance their product education efforts and build trust with honest advice and unscripted truth from industry experts. They’re so much more than a simple creative agency or video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution. With authentic expert testimony, your brand can establish credibility and help your customers stay informed, not influenced.

Build your brand’s credibility with help from The Desire Company at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/4886ZNM

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