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Dental composite restorations are a better alternative to amalgam

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Metal fillings are no longer the only option if a damaged tooth needs to be restored. The advancements in dental science have made composite resins that look much more natural and color-matched.

Plastic and glass are mixed together to make a composite filling. Dental implants are designed to fill cavities, restore misshapen teeth, and improve smile appearance.

How is a dental composite filling placed?

By applying layers of composite filling, each layer is hardened with light. Following this, ensure the composite fits your tooth by molding the composite. It is important to polish the final step in order to prevent premature wear and stains.

What are the advantages of composites?

Among its many advantages is the aesthetic appeal of composite fillings. Depending on your preferences, it can look just like your actual teeth.

A composite resin solution protects your tooth from damage and breakage when it is applied to your tooth. This prevents your tooth from cracking because the composite resin can adapt to temperature changes.

You only need to go to the dentist once to get composite fillings! Please let us know if you have questions if you're interested or if you'd like to learn more.

Get in touch with us today at 519-904-3657! Make an appointment with your dentist.


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