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What are Dental Implants?

When multiple teeth are missing or severely damaged, one will have difficulty in daily activities. It also leads to bone loss, shifting of adjacent teeth due to damaged teeth, change in appearance, gum diseases, etc. Dental implants Procedure provide a simple solution for replacing missing teeth.

Dental implants are frames or metal posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone beneath the gum. Once positioned, the dentist will mount replacement teeth onto them. They are usually made of titanium or zirconia as they resemble the color of natural teeth and provide good support.

This procedure retains a good appearance and teeth feel natural. For the procedure, one needs to have healthy gums and sufficient bone to support the implants. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene along with regular visits to the dentist until the procedure is entirely successful.

Multiple Tooth Implants

Multiple teeth implants are needed when two or more teeth are missing. A combination of dental bridges and implants is suggested to replace many teeth at the same time. Depending on the patient's requirement implants can replace both natural teeth and some of their roots.

One implant for each tooth will be needed for the patient when one or two teeth are missing. While replacing several lost teeth, fewer implants may support the replacement teeth.

Implant-supported teeth are fixed permanently in the mouth, unlike removable options such as dentures. We have three options for missing multiple teeth.

  • Partial denture
  • Implant-supported crowns
  • Implant-supported bridges

What can one Expect from Multiple Dental Implants?

A dental implant in Hoffman Estates IL for multiple missing teeth can do the following-

  • Providing a permanent tooth-replacement option
  • Prevents bone deterioration
  • Preserves adjacent natural teeth
  • Retains facial appearance
  • Restoring natural chewing and biting capacity
  • Functioning like natural teeth

One can have multiple dental implants at once and can get the damaged teeth replaced depending on the requirement. But in the process, there may be some soreness and discomfort associated when multiple dental implantations performed at once.

Multiple Tooth Implant Treatment Procedures:

Usually, four visits are required for the same. Initially, the dentist examines and takes an x-ray of the required area for the procedure, tooth implant bases are placed on the jawbone to replace the roots and allow it to heal before fitting the crown.

Once healed, the abutments are attached to the implants. Abutments are custom made in the laboratory according to the patient’s requirement of the teeth. Finally, custom-made crowns are placed over the tooth implant abutments and will function like a natural tooth.

Once the procedure is done, some hygiene tips to be followed to maintain dental implants such as: –

  • Using low abrasive toothpaste
  • Using a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Regular dental cleaning
  • Brushing twice a day
  • Regular flossing of the teeth
  • Avoiding sticky and hard foods
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol

Multiple teeth implants are an investment that help you lead a healthy and happy life. To get an assessment, if multiple teeth implants suit your dental situation click here or call us at 888-736-6430.