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Dental implants are small, screw-shaped posts that are inserted into the jawbone in place of a missing tooth root. These prosthetics replace a missing tooth and help restore function. Benton Dental in Kansas City is one place to turn when you're in need of a new set of teeth. This local dental practice offers a variety of procedures to restore your smile and your function. Regardless of your budget, there's a dental implant available to fix any dental issue you may have.

Endosteal implants

An endosteal implant is an alternative to traditional dental implants. These implants are designed to resemble your jawbone. A CAT scan or milling machine is used to create a replica of your jawbone. Once your jawbone is modeled, your oral surgeon will use it to create the implant. After surgery, your jawbone will begin to heal around the implant. You will have to follow your doctor's instructions for oral hygiene, as well as take pain medication and antibiotics.

The process of installing an endosteal implant takes several months. This process typically involves one or two oral surgeries. Candidates for this procedure need to have sufficient bone density and overall oral health. The surgery is done on the jawbone, where the support structure is incorporated into the bone. The endosteal implant can hold one or two crowns. Endosteal implants have a lower success rate than other types of dental implants.

Subperiosteal implants

For patients who have less bone density or lack sufficient height, subperiosteal dental implants may be the better option. However, if you have adequate bone mass and do not have any health issues, endosteal implants may be the better option. In these cases, your dentist will place the implant below the gum line. This procedure can be an effective way to restore your smile. Listed below are some of the pros and cons of subperiosteal implants.

Before undergoing the procedure, Dr. Jirik will thoroughly examine you and review your health records. He will also take an x-ray of your mouth and evaluate your current dental condition. This will determine if the procedure is right for you. He will also discuss the various costs associated with the procedure. You may opt for subperiosteal implants in Benton if you have a low bone density.

Zygomatic implants

Patients who are not candidates for traditional dental implants are recommended to consider zygomatic implants. Only a handful of surgeons throughout the world have been trained to place these types of implants. Dr. Bruce Smoler is one of those dentists. He studied with some of the most respected reconstructive surgeons and has a wealth of experience in this field. If you are considering this method of dental implant placement, contact Smoler Smiles today to learn more about zygomatic implants in Benton.

The first step in zygomatic implant placement is the surgical implantation of a titanium post into the jaw bone. Your surgeon will use digital imagery to map out the location of the post before surgery. If your doctor deems it necessary, he may perform a sinus lift or augmentation before the procedure. Once the titanium post has been placed in your jaw, it will take a few months for it to integrate with your bone tissue and heal.

All-on-4 implants

All-on-4 dental implants are small posts that are attached to a full bridge or denture. The procedure can be performed on the upper or lower jaw or both. Before the procedure, the patient must have their natural teeth removed. The dental implant dentist will place four small posts into the jawbone – two at the front and one at the back. These posts are placed at an angle, allowing them to penetrate the bone deeper and add stability.

All-on-four is a proven technique for replacing a full set of teeth with just a few implant fixtures. Because of its simplicity and speedy healing time, patients can have their replacement arch attached to the implants almost immediately. Moreover, this technique is well documented and scientifically validated. It has also shown promising results in clinical studies for over a decade. So, if you are interested in a dental implant, consider visiting an All-on-4 dentist in Benton.


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