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Dental implants closely mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, making them a popular restoration for missing tooth problems. In addition, implant-supported restorations do not depend on surrounding teeth for support like fixed bridges or removable partials.

To begin the process of replacing a single tooth implant Tallahassee FL, your dentist will take x-rays and impressions. Then a surgically placed anchor will be added to the jaw bone.

Getting Started

Tooth loss is a huge problem for millions of Americans. 178 million people in the US are missing one tooth, and 35 million are completely edentulous (missing all teeth).

Traditional tooth replacement options, such as dental bridges or dentures, can only partially solve the problem of missing teeth. Dental implants replace the root of the missing tooth, providing key benefits that cannot be achieved with other treatments.

Dental implants are made of titanium, a material that is well-suited to pairing with bone. An implant-supported replacement tooth is then fixed to the post. The result is a permanent, natural-looking, and feeling smile.

Occasionally, the area where an implant will be placed does not have enough bone density. In these cases, a bone-grafting procedure may be necessary to prepare the site. Sometimes the bone is taken from another part of the mouth, and other times, it is harvested from a nearby region such as the chin or jaw.

Mini Dental Implants

If you are missing multiple teeth, whether from an accident or gum disease, dental implants offer a permanent solution. They replace your lost tooth roots as well as the visible part of the tooth, making them look and feel like your natural teeth. They also help to support the bone tissue in your jaw, preventing further loss of teeth.

Mini implants are smaller than traditional implant screws and can be placed in the mouth in just one visit to the dentist, reducing the total procedure time. They are also less expensive than traditional implants.

As you recover from your mini implant, eat soft foods and liquids to avoid the possibility that the implant might come loose or be pulled out. Your provider can give you pain relievers to manage any discomfort and at-home care instructions to follow. Most patients experience only minor pain and soreness after their procedure. They can resume a normal diet after healing has been completed.

Stabilizing Existing Dentures

If you’re currently wearing removable partials or dentures, you can replace them with implant-supported restorations. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of a full smile and is especially useful for patients who smoke.

Traditional dentures rely on suction to stay secure, but they often become loose or fall out when you’re eating or speaking. Stabilizing your dentures with dental implants eliminates the slippage that causes discomfort and reduces your confidence in your smile.

We’re proud to offer All-On-4 dental implants that can replace an entire row of teeth in a single appointment, helping you reclaim your smile and health in no time. To learn more about how this revolutionary new treatment can help you, contact us today. We have state-of-the-art facilities and a team of professionals that prioritize patients’ comfort and well-being. We also offer transparent pricing and help with insurance coverage. You can trust us to restore your smile to the highest standard of quality.

Mini Dental Implant Cost

Dental implants are a strong, long-lasting solution to missing teeth. They look and feel like real teeth, so patients can eat, talk, and smile with confidence again. Unlike other tooth-replacement options, dental implants fuse with the jawbone to create a strong foundation for crowns and bridges with dentists in Tallahassee.

While traditional dental implants require months to heal, All-on-4 dental implants allow Tallahassee dentists to restore a full row of teeth in just one session. This treatment can help patients regain their health, bite, and confidence in just a few hours.

Having a healthy smile is something most people desire. Many, however, don’t take care of their teeth and end up with broken or missing teeth. Getting a restoration that looks and feels like a natural tooth can help them reclaim their smiles and live happier lives. Thankfully, dentists now offer permanent tooth replacement that looks and functions just like real teeth. The procedure is called dental implants and is available at many dental offices.


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