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If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to restore your smile, you can get Dentures, which are removable artificial teeth. A denture maker will take impressions of your mouth and measure your jaw to create a model of your Dentures St. Petersburg. The model will then be made in plastic or wax. You will try on the model several times, and the denture maker will assess the shape and color before casting your new teeth.

Less expensive than dental implants

Dental implants are a more permanent solution to missing teeth, but they are more expensive than dentures. While dental implants are more expensive initially, they can be broken up over the course of many years, making them less expensive in the long run. In addition to restoring the appearance of your smile, dental implants can also restore most of the functionality of your natural teeth.

More stable than conventional dentures

If you are missing a few teeth or have multiple missing teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. However, dental implants can be expensive, and they may not be right for everyone. You should talk to your dentist about your options. Regardless of the procedure you choose, implants are more stable than conventional dentures.

More attractive than partial dentures

Although bridges and partial dentures are similar in appearance, they are not as attractive as dental implants. However, they cost less and are more convenient. A qualified dentist can advise you on the best solution for you.

Made of a similar material to natural teeth

The best artificial teeth are made from a material that is similar to the material in our natural teeth. Enamel is one of the hardest biological materials known to man, with unique properties including high hardness, high viscoelasticity, and a high level of resistance to damage. It is composed of parallel nanowires of calcium-based mineral hydroxyapatite that are linked by amorphous calcium phosphate. While scientists have tried to reproduce the structure of enamel using synthetic materials, they have so far only succeeded at the submillimetre scale.

Fit snugly on the gum line

In a healthy mouth, gums should fit tightly around the visible part of the teeth. The gums should not extend further than one to three millimeters from the crown. If the gums become too loose, they can cause the mouth to develop deep pockets, called periodontal pockets. These pockets can make it difficult to remove food and can worsen gum disease.


Removable Dentures St. Petersburg are a convenient solution for missing teeth. Unlike fixed dentures, which remain in place for the duration of the patient's life, removable dentures can be removed and replaced as needed. They may be made of acrylic resin or metal and may be held in place by clasps. Both types of dentures require a good fit to avoid causing trauma to the gums and to ensure proper function. Removable dentures are also less expensive and less invasive than other tooth replacement options. Some removable partial dentures can even be expanded with additional teeth as needed.


Fixed dentures are dental prosthetics that are attached to dental implants. This gives dentures a strong foundation. Unlike removable dentures, they will not slip or loosen. They also do not need denture adhesives or creams to stay in place.


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