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The newest and possibly strongest cannabinoid to date, THCP, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the talk of the cannabis industry. THCP is an analog of THC, a naturally occurring phytocannabinoid present in cannabis and the main psychoactive component. It is primarily created in a lab, however it does exist in trace amounts in the hemp plant naturally.

Delta 8 THCP, which is now exclusively present in the FM2 strain of cannabis, was very recently discovered by an Italian research team in 2019. It is one of at least 120 cannabinoids detected in the cannabis plant so far, with many more yet to be discovered.

Because THC-P is so new, more investigation is needed to determine its long-term advantages and disadvantages. However, recent anecdotal research uncovered evidence that suggests THC-P may have a greater impact than THC alone on a cannabis strain's psychoactivity.

The limited information we currently know about this freshly discovered cannabinoid is examined in this article.

Further dissecting THCP

The cannabinoid delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, often known as THCP, which is related to THC, is present in extremely minute concentrations in the cannabis plant.

According to the researchers who discovered THCP Delta 8, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system similarly to THC but with a significantly higher affinity for cannabinoid receptors.

The research indicates that THCP may be up to 33 times more effective than THC because it binds to CB1 receptors up to 33 times more frequently than regular THC.

The longer alkyl side chains of THCP, which are substantially longer than those of traditional THC, make it unique (seven carbons vs. five carbons).

The cannabinoid then more tightly attaches to the body's receptors. As a result, THC-P has a much higher effect than THC on a number of ECS-controlled activities and does so with a much lower dose.

Delta 8 THCP was unintentionally found.

THCP Delta 8 was initially made public by a December 30, 2019, open-access scientific journal paper with the title “A novel phytocannabinoid derived from Cannabis sativa L. having an in vivo cannabimimetic activity higher than 9-tetrahydrocannabinol…”.

An Italian research team carried out the study that led to the discovery of THCP. Modern mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography techniques were used to analyze a natural cannabis sample (FM2) donated by the Military Chemical Institute in Florence, Italy.

By utilizing mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography examinations, the researchers were able to completely study the plant materials in a highly appropriate manner. Through this process, THC-P was accidentally found, leading to the accident.

How is Delta 8 THCP produced?

Hemp with a maximum of 0.3% delta 9 THC content is commonly used in the manufacture of Delta 8 THCP in laboratories.

Is it safe to consume THCP?

Because there isn't much study available right now, we don't really know much about the risks associated with THCP use. Human research on this cannabinoid has never been conducted. There has never been any human research on the effects, despite the fact that animal studies have demonstrated that it has a very strong impact on the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system.

Extrapolation based on animal studies and other pharmacologic assumptions suggests that THCP will likely produce a potent high and that it may also have more pronounced adverse effects than THC alone. They may include low blood pressure, psychosis, and mild side effects including dry mouth and eyes.

How does THCP make you feel?

The THCP high is best described as powerful, despite the fact that defining a high is seldom straightforward. THCP Delta 8 has a strong attraction to the CB1 receptor, a brain switch that when activated by THC or THC-P results in the classic high.

However, preliminary laboratory research suggests that THC-P is around 30 times more powerful than THC at CB1. Considering that THC-P is a relatively new cannabinoid to science, it is difficult to predict with certainty how much higher one could become if they consume it.

What Effects and Advantages Does THCP Have On Your Body?

Although we do not yet have all the answers, it is a crucial question. More research is required before we can say with some degree of certainty what THC-P can do for you and your health.

When examining the physiological effects of THC-P on human cannabinoid receptors, the Italian researchers identified many effects, including:

Potentially Relieving Pain

Different analgesic properties that are essential for pain management were identified in the initial THCP studies. Analgesics reduce the sensitivity of the body's pain receptors, which send signals of pain to the brain in response to unpleasant stimuli.

Essentially, analgesics can reduce our sensitivity to pain, making it more acceptable. Given that various cannabinoids found in hemp are connected to analgesia, this outcome is not shocking.

Potential relief from nausea: It has been suggested that Delta 9 THC may be particularly helpful for treating nausea given the strong structural similarities between THCP and Delta 9 THC. One of the various ways that Delta 9 is used in medical settings is for this well-known activity.

Additionally, THCP products may considerably lessen nausea, which is advantageous for those who experience chronic nausea due to certain illnesses, medications, or pregnancy.

Potential appetite stimulant: THCP and Delta 9 THC share several features that may include the capacity to stimulate appetite. Delta 8 THCP likely affects cannabinoid receptors that are involved in the processes of craving and enjoying food, which are ultimately important for human life. This is similar to how Delta 9 works.

This quality is especially beneficial for those with poor appetites as a result of various conditions that prevent them from experiencing hunger.

Potential benefits for improving mood:

Cannabis naturally affects mood via interacting with CB1 receptors, which are crucial for regulating the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. When a person's mood is particularly low, THCP, which has been described as a fairly uplifting cannabinoid, might be very beneficial.

Users of the cannabinoid may experience excitement and inner happiness as a result of the drug's high.

Potentially Calming Effects 

When THCP was tested on mice, the researchers discovered that the animals showed signs of hypomotility, or reduced movement. This is typically a sign of some cannabinoids' soothing effects, which are frequently connected to “couch-lock.”

It's reasonable to suppose that THCP Delta 8, like many other hemp-derived products that include certain compounds found naturally in the plant, has a significant “body high” effect.

This may indicate that THC-P relaxes the muscles and joints, making users want to curl up and unwind.

Purchase Of THC-P

You can order cannabis products like THCP online and have them transported by the US Postal Service in places where doing so is permitted (USPS). Despite the fact that there isn't currently a federal minimum age restriction for purchasing Delta 8 THCP goods, several states have laws stating that customers must be 21 or older to buy cannabis. Before attempting to buy hemp goods online, it's usually a good idea to check the laws in your state.



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