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The basic job of Search Engine Optimization is to deliver traffic to the website. For that, you may have allotted a high budget to hire the SEO Company Connecticut. But many times, you may face that even you have good traffic on your website; it bounces back and the ROI is very low. Most of the time; the reason is a poor website both in content and fbvndesign-wise. You have to keep in mind that this online business field has become highly competitive and if you don’t update your website as per the trend and changing needs of your customers; you will never attain a good result. For that reason, it is very important to scrutiny your existing website and do all the needful changes.

Many websites have a major error in designing that disappoint the visitors and they move to the next better option. So the investment they have made for SEO will be wasted. So, here are design mistakes that you need to rectify to get the best result for your SEO efforts.

  • No Mobile-Friendly Website: In this age, not having a responsive website is actually a blunder. The webs users use devices of different screen sizes. So, if your website cannot adjust to the changes; people will not be comfortable viewing it. You need to especially keep in mind the mobile users as they are more in number than the desktop users. So, we can say that the website design should be more for mobile users nowadays. If your website is not mobile-friendly, then hire a company for Web Design Connecticut today to develop the website. The SEO team is also working on mobile-first indexing as well. The UX design is helpful to fetch the attention of the users.
  • Not Using Alt tags: It is very important to let Google know what you have on your website. The Alt Tags are very crucial to optimize the website as they will tell the search crawlers about the image. They will judge the relevance of the image and rank the website accordingly. You also need to save the file names as per the image subject instead of certain 1234. jpg.
  • Color Combination: You must use a clear image with good (not high) resolution. Make sure the colour combination of the image is good enough to impress the visitors. The colour must also go with the theme of the website. You can do little research on how people are influenced by colour and which one is suitable for your brand. For example, it has been seen that blue is the most used colour for any website.
  • No Pop Up: Many people find the use of pop up is disgusting as it may disturb the users. As people don’t like it, Google Chrome has introduced a popup blocker as well. However, the pop-ups are not so bad a thing as you can display the latest offer or get the customers’ information through it. You need to understand the way you must use it. take the help of the Web design Connecticut to understand the trend of using the pop-ups. Any business gets 95% subscriptions from the pop-ups only. It is a great way to flaunt any attractive deal or success of the company.