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et's start with examining the willpower lie.   LeptoConnect Review   Willpower kicks in when you force yourself to do something you'd rather not be doing. It takes willpower to drag yourself out of bed to get ready for work. Early morning golf game? No willpower required. It takes willpower to spend the day cleaning out your loft space to have a car boot sale. Getting up to go shopping at a car boot sale? No willpower required.

So if dieting requires willpower for you, it means there is a conflict between that skinny person crying to get out and that plate of cookies calling your name. What's really going on is that you are paying lip service to wanting to lose weight, but you don't really believe it inside. Part of you wants to be slim but part of you wants to keep getting the emotional benefit that food gives you. That happens a lot. A friend of mine said he wanted to quit smoking. He was “getting ready to get ready” as he liked to say.

The reasons he gave for quitting was the pressure he was getting from his wife and children. The kids would hammer him with whatever they learned in school about the dangers of smoking that day, and his wife was playing the “go ahead and kill yourself and leave us broke and out on the street” card. He'd quit for a few days and start back up. This cycle repeated itself over and over. He even quit for 3 months, but then fell right back.



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