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An overview of packaging material

The selection of the right kind of packaging material had been a challenging task since ever, various factors should be kept in mind while deciding the type of packaging that we want for the products, this is because of the increased population of the world, and the amazing technology that has changed the world into a global village. With the increase in population, we see an increase in the demands of the consumers as well, people are now willing to buy the newest and the most brilliant ideas from anywhere in the world, thus this has brought a load and responsibility for the fields of the supply chain. This is due to the rapid technological advancement and the efficiency of media, and we see a very sharp variation in the choices and preferences of the consumers.

Since distance is no more a barrier, people now prefer to go for the best available options in the markets regardless of the country that they belong to. We also get to see that companies all around the world are also working hard to produce the best products that the customers would prefer to buy. Unlike the old times when there was an availability of a very limited number of items, and people had to settle for whatever option was available, now the consumers want more straightforward options and a variety of products with uniqueness in every aspect of life.

These sudden shifts in buying behavior have forced people to think of the methods that could affect the needs of the production, the requirement of fulfilling the demands of customers, the load over the supply chain, and various other factors.

Cardboard And Chipboard Boxes

Chipboard and cardboard boxes are other types of containers that are important in packaging and transportation; these boxes are helpful in the transportation of goods and packaging; they can hold on to the products for a more extended period of time due to their extra durability and strength. They also protect the products against shocks and damages.

They come in various shapes and sizes and can be selected according to the need and requirement.
These boxes that are often known as cartons, can be used in the packaging of various products as they come in a variety of shapes and sizes allowing the consumers to select from a variety. Many companies that are well known around the world supply the goods and products using these cartons.

These cartons can be either cardboard cartons or corrugated cartons. Although both; cardboard packaging and corrugated packaging apparently look similar, and it might also seem that they serve the same purpose, they are actually very different in structure and purpose. So, deciding whether to use corrugated or cardboard, one should pay attention to what would satisfy the packaging needs.

Choosing corrugated vs. cardboard will make a significant impact on the successful delivery of shipment. In order to select the correct type of carton, we must know every kind of carton in detail.

Cardboard Carton

These types of cartons are made up of thick paper stock or heavy paper-pulp. Cardboard cartons are used to make a wide range of products like; small containers, it can also be used in packaging, and it is helpful for even providing structural support for less rigid items like notepads, inserts in the form of a card that is often kept between the clothing items like shirts from losing shape in packaging, etc. Some products can also be shipped in containers that are made up of cardboard. However, it is still risky to the retailers as this cardboard provides very little protection to the product and would also require an extra cost in the form of additional packaging material such as bubble wrap and foams that are necessary to ensure the safety of the product that is present inside.

Corrugated Cartons

These types of cartons are made up of very few layers of material rather than just a single sheet. This processing is done by a corrugated board die-cutting machine These three layers are comprised of an outside layer, a medium layer, that goes between the two, which is fluted. Corrugated material is famous for its property of being resilience, this property means that it is also light in weight. Thus, it is considered to be an important option for those who produce a large number of products that require boxing and packaging.

The corrugated containers that are also known as the corrugated cartons are famous for their ability to remain sound even when they experience changes like shocks, moisture, sudden temperature changes, etc. Whereas no other container is capable enough to resist excessive force for prolonged and harsh conditions just the way, these corrugated boxes do. They provide complete assurance of your products in their best condition.