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Different SEO Plugins To Help You Run Your Woocommerce E-Commerce Website

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WordPress mainly relies on plugins for the efficient functioning and performance of websites, and there is a vast world of SEO plugins on WordPress. This is a kind of good and bad news for people because there is an endless list to choose from. At the same time, this list comes with a huge confusion about which one to choose and which one to use. There are Woocommerce SEO experts as well to help in the SEO of your WordPress-based eCommerce website. Regarding the plugins, experts recommend searching well about these plugins to come to a conclusion regarding the best plugin eventually. In this guest post, we have researched the top WooCommerce plugins to help you go through the details and choose the best one.


The goal of this plugin is to make search engine optimization of your website very easy and effortless. This plugin can be assumed as the Swiss army of SEO plugins that can help you in every step regarding search engine optimization. It has a simple setup wizard that understands your site and then configures optimal settings as per the latest SEO guidelines. It allows you to apply over 15 schema mark-ups and integrate with the Google search console to track your keyword ranking.


Another very versatile SEO plugin available in WordPress is ALL IN ONE SEO, and as the name describes, it provides you with all the tools needed for search engine optimization of any website. It is also helpful when it comes to WordPress maintenance services, and it basically aims to simplify SEO as much as possible with its preset inputs and SEO-related settings. For example – it will automatically optimize your titles and generate meta-tags. Also, it will check for duplicate content and offer support for creating XML SITE MAP.


One of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks is to get your products appropriately displayed in the Google product listing. It is a time-consuming process and involves a significant amount of trials and errors. Not revealing the product with the relevant information will result in lower CTR and falling revenue. This is where this plugin comes into play to simplify the entire process and display your products on Google product listings. This plugin, called WORDLIFT, also adds structured data and descriptions along with the product for better optimization. It shows your products correctly with product features, product categories, reviews, availability and more information.


Regarding popularity, this plugin can be tagged as the most popular and most recommended by woocommerce SEO experts. This has got several reasons, and one is that it is specially built for woocommerce SEO, and it maintains the same level of quality every time. With this plugin, experts and professionals offering woocommerce support services get access to an extra settings menu that allows them to add product information and description as per their choice. This plugin also lets you add unique GTI, ISBN and MPN information.


A fantastic plugin that anyone can use for WordPress e-commerce website search engine optimization is called WP BACKLINKS. It mainly focuses on off-page SEO and aims to improve the relevance just for the authority of your website. This plugin integrates a backlink mounting system on your WordPress website’s admin panel. This modelling system will keep an eye for bad sites that link to your website as they can make your website get penalized for not following relevant rules. Another exciting feature is that it provides you with the tracking of your competitor’s backlink.


You will need hundreds and thousands of images for your e-commerce website, and your responsibility is to make them look attractive and appealing to the customers. It is recommended to use only SEO-optimized images, and this can be done easily with a plugin only. There are different plugins that automatically optimize the title and alt attributes of your photos.


This plugin is often offered as a part of WooCommerce WordPress maintenance services. It is used for securing your WooCommerce website, and in its free version; it will allow you to protect data by managing threats and predicting attacks. This version also includes statistics and analytics about your website’s performance. With its help, you can share your content automatically on social networks and post suggestion features based on the interest of your users. The ultimate task of this plugin is also to improve your WooCommerce website’s overall search engine optimization ranking.

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