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Breast cancer is not just one disease — it can be classified into different types of breast cancer depending on how the cells in the breast look under a microscope. Different types of breast cancer include:

1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS): 

DCIS is a type of breast cancer that has not progressed outside of the milk ducts into any nearby healthy tissue, making it non-invasive.


2. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): 

This breast cancer kind, which makes up 70% to 80% of all breast cancers where cancer cells have penetrated the surrounding tissue, is the most prevalent.


3. Inflammatory Breast Cancer: 

Because it does not always create a lump, this aggressive kind of breast cancer can be challenging to diagnose.

4. Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS): 

Since the cancer cells in LCIS remain contained within the lobules and have not moved to the surrounding normal tissue, it is regarded as a non-invasive form of breast cancer. 5. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): This type of cancer begins in the lobules responsible for generating milk and has the potential to migrate to other breast tissue.

6. Mucinous Carcinoma: 

This slow-growing kind of breast cancer is frequently diagnosed in elderly people.


Global Cancer Technology is working on a novel treatment for cancers, glioblastoma treatment technology and cancer inhibitors, know more about our cancer treatment technology.


7. Metaplastic Breast Cancer: 

Although there are few treatment options for this uncommon type of breast cancer, it can be aggressive.

8. Angiosarcoma: 

Although it can develop anywhere on the body and is quite uncommon, breast tissue is where it most frequently manifests itself.

9. Phyllodes Tumor: 

Even though this kind of tumor is not cancer, it can still be harmful if it is not treated very far away. 


10. Paget's Disease: 

This uncommon type of breast cancer begins in the nipple and, if ignored, can spread to other regions of the breast.

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