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A social anxiety disorder can be identified by the intense anxiety or fear of being judged publicly. Individual suffering social anxiety disorder or social phobia may struggle with extreme fear of getting embarrassed or rejected in the social situations. As per a study, social anxiety disorder is the third major anxiety disorder affecting a large group of people in the world. It is a chronic anxiety disorder and terribly affects the professional, personal, and social well-being of an individual.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety DisorderThis disorder is detected on the basis of the following symptoms in an individual:-

●Common behavioural changes which may include feeling distressed in public interaction, getting anxious about being noticed, feeling insecure in social gatherings, difficulty speaking, refraining from recreational activities.

● Physical signs of sexual anxiety disorders include acute sleep deprivation, nausea, excessive sweating, shaking, dizziness, increased heart rate, weeping, confusion, and dry mouth.

● Individuals suffering from such disorders may also avoid job interviews, shopping, using public restrooms, and take the phone calls in public.

Social Anxiety Disorders: Causes

The root cause of social anxiety disorder is the prolonged anxiety caused by certain environmental factors or any traumatic event. Negative experiences in personal or professional perspectives can also cause social anxiety disorder. Social circumstances causing such disorders may include child abuse, family issues, bullying, and dejection in a love relationship.

However, certain physical imbalances can also be responsible for triggering anxiety, which leads to social anxiety disorder. A chemical called serotonin is responsible for regulating mood, feelings, and thoughts. The lower level of this chemical substance leads to such disturbances in individuals. Although environmental changes and social anxiety are the main causes, sleep disorders can elevate the intensity of social anxiety disorder.  Moreover, the individual may find it difficult to treat the disorder in effective ways, without treating sleep disorders. Hence, in such cases, taking an adequate sleep can help fight social anxiety disorder in many efficient ways.

Effective Treatments

To alleviate the complications of social anxiety disorder, one can opt for the following treatments:-

● Medicines composed of the benzodiazepine drugs can help treat such disorders quite effectively. These medicines may include, Xanax Tablets or other Alprazolam pills, which help reduce the transmission of anxiety signals and produce a calming effect. This helps an individual feel relaxed and can attain sound slumbers, too. One can opt for Online Sleeping Tablets, which are available at affordable prices, but provide symptomatic relief from acute sleep deprivation or slumber disorders.

● Another effective treatment is the cognitive behavioural therapy. A therapist or psychologist can suggest some mental exercises to release stress and negative thoughts. It will help an individual modify the behaviour and thoughts to overcome anxiety issues efficiently.

Taking adequate sleep, therapies, and practising meditation can help fight social anxiety disorder in a quite effective manner. In any case, one must consult with a certified psychologist to get the most beneficial treatment.

Article Source:-https://sites.google.com/site/uksleepingpills4/difficulty-sleep-can-be-a-sign-of-social-anxiety-disorder 


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