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Layout plays a key factor in business management. It is because the layout or interface has a great impact on users thinking. The more user-friendly and intuitive the layout is the better the users will work. Although, Vtiger’s default layout is quite intuitive. Additional Vtiger extensions can be configured to enhance it making it more effective and professional.

In this article we will go through some of the best Vtiger extensions, you can add to your CRM and improve the interface.



Vtiger: A customizable CRM Tool:

Vtiger is a highly customizable CRM solution. It is primarily developed for small size businesses. It creates a positive change in their management capabilities, taking their business to the next level. Vtiger allows its users to improve the default layout and enhance functionality by adding additional extensions or integrating third-party software tools. Customizing the layout of Vtiger according to your business can improve the user’s experience. Better user experience directly impacts your employee's work. This helps in growing the business and increasing the sales.


Things you can modify to improve Vtiger’s layout:

In Vtiger, you can tailor almost everything to make it according to your needs. From custom fields to blocks and even modules. You can develop customized modules to add additional data to your organization. Custom blocks can be added to records to store additional information. It enhances the overall layout and improves workflow making it convenient for the users to enter and manage data. Vtiger also allows its users to select the theme of the software. Individual users can set the software settings from the settings area to perform their tasks effortlessly. In short, Vtiger is a perfect software tool for most businesses that empowers the users to customize the layout.


5 Vtiger Extensions to enhance the layout:

Vtiger extensions are additional plug-ins that are configured with the software to boost efficiency and streamline tasks. Moreover, it authorizes the Vtiger users to customize the layout. Now, let's discuss some of the best Vtiger extensions that can help you enhance the interface and layout of the software:

  1. Conditional Layout: Conditional layout is a Vtiger extension that can be configured to set condition-based layouts of fields. It is a powerful add-on to change the layout based on pre-defined conditions.
  2. Improved Comments: It is an upgrade of the default comments section in Vtiger. It adds additional tools in the comment section with a mentions feature to mention other users in comments and grab their attention.
  3. Customizable Layout: Do you want a distinctive layout for every module? If so, this extension is just for you. The extension allows you to customize the layout of each module depending on your requirements for a better workflow and improved productivity.
  4. Resize Column: Resizing the columns in the list view of records can be beneficial for the administrators. They can easily access the details from the list view. It makes it easier for them to maintain data accuracy and consistency.
  5. Control layout fields: The control layout fields extension is a way to customize the layout of each field. By adding this powerful plug-in to your CRM you can tailor the layout of each field making it more convenient for your business.


Wrap up:

In today’s world, every business looks for software with high flexibility that can be altered to meet their needs. Vtiger is a software with advanced functionalities and the ability to customize the software. Even the layout of Vtiger can be enhanced though our Vtiger services. Earlier the software had no options for interface enhancement. But not anymore, Now users can set up the layout and make it more user-friendly.