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Divorce in Michigan: A Comprehensive Guide with a West Bloomfield Divorce Attorney

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Remaining alone and adrift in the stormy path of divorce can be made less treacherous by the light of experience from which comes a qualified practitioner. If you are in West Bloomfield, Michigan during divorce process, grasping firmly the legal field will help you avoid pitfalls that con commonly. A West Bloomfield Divorce Attorney conducts the work with the proficiency to readily guide you through the difficulties of divorce law in the process of protecting your rights and interests.


Understanding Divorce in Michigan

In Michigan, there is a no-fault divorce law which means that all the petitions must be presented by either party justification that the keep union of the marriage is irretrievably broken. It has become a rule that the marital institution is dissolved and the couple is not blamed while doing so. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that the ubiquitous nature of fault in such situations should be questioned and limited only to those particular proceedings with respect to spousal support or property distribution.


Marital vs.Separate Property

A milestone of finishing up with divorce is division of property and being aware of the difference between marital and separate property is a serious thing. Matrimonial property includes property acquired during the course of marriage, as well as those one brings from after the first divorce´s labels made during the marriage. Contrary to this, separate property belongs to things acquired before the wedding, inheritance, or gifts received individually during the marriage. It is a must to make sure that these assets are equitably divided. This process entails intricate planning and understanding the intricacies of Michigan's divorce laws.


Navigating Complex Issues

Although controlling asset distribution is combined with a lot of other complex processes that are additionally supposed to be resolved in the same process. Child custody, child support, and spousal support which are all quite critical issues demanding immediate response. They commonly have to gather before the judge to wait until he solves the matters of resolution. A West Bloomfield divorce attorney you deal with is the one that will render their service to you and will make sure that your interests are represented in the proper way and you end up with the best possible solution.


The Role of a Divorce Attorney in West Bloomfield

Engaging in the services of a West Bloomfield divorce lawyer would not only be a means for legal representation, but as well as that, securing peace of mind in the next chapter of your life. Through their skills you get visualization of divorce law which permits you to take measured steps. The attorney's expertise becomes an instrument you are equipped with no matter how you are initiating actions – either you are in the presence of divorce proceedings or responding to an already filed petition.


Why Prefer Robbins and Licavoli?

A Robbins and Licavoli separator can very well be called a life changing experience and not just ending a marriage. The team, composed of well-versed in divorce law attorneys, has been specifically trained to tackle the intricate problems of the divorce law specific for West Bloomfield, Michigan. Celebrating success through solidarity and community participation.


Child Custody and Support

Emotions run high when the children are involved, and finding agreed child custody as well as support solutions is quite a challenge In Michigan, there is a priority for the proper wish of the child in custody hearings by the court. A competent West Bloomfield divorce attorney should guide you through the process, while fighting for a custody agreement that fits the child's needs, yet doesn't infringe on your parents' rights.


Spousal Support (Alimony)

Spousal support, commonly known to us as alimony, it is possible to award this in divorce cases where one person requires financial assistance from the other spouse. The court looks at the factors like duration of the marriage together, capacity of each spouse to work and the contribution of both the spouses to the marriage while determining the amount of support payable.

The arena of family breakups, knowledge is power. With Robbins and Licavoli provisioning one of the brightest West Bloomfield divorce lawyers, one can not only benefit from the professional advice, but also remain assured in even the most complicated matters. Call us now and let’s start the process of defending your rights and ensuring a successful future. We can help you resolve the legal matters associated with your separation. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Robbins and Licavoli at +12487238709.


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