1. Business

Diwali – The Most Commercial Festival In India!

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We humans work all along our life for various reasons from basic livelihood to our growing responsibilities. One cannot always work for his/her whole life which obviously brings languor to your life. This is what festivals are celebrated for! A festival is something that lights up our souls and brings some happy times for our families and friends to get together and create memories to cherish for a lifetime. Every country has their own style of celebration.

India is the land of celebration as we Indians love to celebrate! The country has multifarious festivals celebrated throughout the country each having its own strong reason and tradition. There are a bunch of regional festivals that are celebrated by the domestics of the particular state as each state has their own cultural practices and identities. On the other hand, There are a number of festivals celebrated by the whole country without any difference. One of those is Diwali, The festival of lights. Let us keep the festival aspects aside and discuss the business around the festival. Without a second thought, Diwali is the most commercial festival in India. Why is it so? Allow me to explain some of the admissible reasons for the statement.

Fanciness In The Festival

Every festival has its own features, Diwali as a festival is more attractive than the other festivals for the reason it attracts and connects more to children than adults. Since the festival has many fancy elements, mainly crackers that trigger the children. It obviously creates a buzz and mood of the festival inside the home and mainly in schools as children are the one who enjoys everything to the fullest and they find great happiness in bursting crackers down on the streets while wearing new clothes.

Opens Market For Small Time Businesses

Small-time businesses are something that is done only for a limited time depending on the seasonal products that have demand at the particular time. This always has a big share in the market as it covers the middle and lower parts of society in terms of income. These businesses are highly capable of generating good to great revenue within a short span of time when implemented properly. Major reasons like location, product, demand, discounts and a myriad of other factors define the success of the business. Diwali is preferably the best time for an individual to focus on a small-time business as it is capable of opening markets for various products of different price ranges from crackers to clothes. Cracker shop is in fact the most important small-time business that generates tons of revenue in the whole Diwali market.

Generates Revenue To Various Industries

Diwali is capable of providing business to various industries as it is versatile enough to influence the whole country. For instance, Transport — It tops the list making most of the money as people largely prefer moving to their natives for important festivals like Diwali. On the other hand, the entertainment industry makes a whole lot of money on new movie releases and so on as people will be looking for some kind of entertainment while family and friends are getting together. There is a long list of industries from clothing to automotive that offer various products with large discounts to attract people. In most of the products, Prices will also be more than normal as people are not hesitant in spending due to excess demand. Check most recommended sites like ThreeBestRatedⓇ to find the best in the business within your vicinity to save your hard-earned money.

Most Preferred For A Together Time

Most of the working population live away from their beloved family and friends as job opportunities are largely available in large cities. It is highly unavoidable for most people as they bear responsibilities on their heads. In fact, These hordes constitute a very high percentage of the total population of large cities. All they can do is visit their native country on special occasions. Diwali remains to be the most preferred for the concern as it provides them with holidays. More or less it has become a ritual to move to the natives in Diwali times. This generates a ton of revenue for the above-mentioned businesses.

Hope you understood the commercial face of the festival of lights. Keeping these business aspects of the festival aside, It is undoubtedly the most favourite festival of the country which excites the kids with crackers, youths with entertainment and families with some happy time together to cherish their lives. It has to be celebrated to the fullest as a happy time makes the life lived! Business happening around this diwali brings fortunes to the people who are working on their veins to grow up to the next level.