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DIY vs Pro Pest Control Addressing Challenges and Finding Solutions

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Living in the fast-paced world we do, it's often difficult to stay on top of every aspect of our lives, including the presence of pests in our homes. Unfortunately, many of us only become aware of these unwanted guests when their impact on our health becomes apparent. Shockingly, over 95% of people worldwide grapple with pest-related issues.

Pest infestations pose a prevalent and serious threat to both homeowners and businesses in the Detroit area, presenting challenges that extend to health, property, and overall well-being. Bed bugs, mice, cockroaches, termites, and mosquitoes are among the most notorious pests in the region. This article aims to delve into the challenges brought about by these pests, underscore the significance of seeking professional pest control services, and shed light on both the expertise available in the area and proven DIY methods to combat various pest issues.

Challenges Posed by Common Pests:

Bed Bugs:

Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to infest homes and businesses rapidly. These nocturnal pests feed on human blood, leaving itchy, red welts on their victims. Bed bug infestations can spread quickly, making them challenging to eradicate without professional intervention. At the early stages of infestation, it was suggested to try DIY, and if it was not possible then call a professional.


Mice are common in urban areas like Detroit, seeking shelter in homes and businesses during colder months. The ability to rapidly grow and infest areas is the major reason to never wait for the right time.  They not only damage property by gnawing on wires and structures but also pose health risks through the spread of diseases and allergens. The earlier you control rodent infestation the easier will be the eradication.


Cockroaches are tenacious pests that may grow in a variety of settings. They carry pathogens that can contaminate food and surfaces, leading to health issues. Their rapid reproduction and adaptability make them difficult to control without professional assistance.


Termites silently wreak havoc on the structural integrity of buildings by feeding on wood and other cellulose-based materials. The damage caused by termites can be extensive and often goes unnoticed until it reaches a critical point.


Mosquitos are not only annoying with their itchy bites but also transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus. Detroit's humid climate provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos, hence requiring necessary effective Mosquito control measures.

Do-It-Yourself Solutions for Pest Control

While professional pest control services offer unparalleled expertise, there are instances where homeowners may choose to take a proactive role in addressing pest issues. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solutions can be a pragmatic approach, especially for early-stage infestations or as preventive measures. However, it's crucial to approach DIY pest control with caution, recognizing its limitations and understanding when professional intervention is necessary.

  1. Identifying the Pest:

The first step in any DIY pest control effort is correctly identifying the pest. Different pests require different strategies for effective control. Online resources, pest identification guides, and local extension offices can be valuable tools in this process.

  1. Maintaining Cleanliness:

A clean environment is a fundamental deterrent for many pests. Regular cleaning, proper waste disposal, and eliminating standing water can help reduce the attractiveness of your home to pests like cockroaches, mosquitoes, and rodents.

  1. Sealing Entry Points:

Preventing pests from entering your home is a key aspect of DIY pest control. Seal any cracks, gaps, and entrance points around doors and windows. This is particularly crucial for mice and insects seeking refuge indoors.

  1. Essential Oils

 Essential oils are compounds derived from plants, each boasting a unique aroma. Citronella (lemongrass), peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, neem, and lavender are among the essential oils known for their pest-repelling properties.

How Essential Oils Repel Pests:

Interfering with the Sense of Smell:

Many pests rely on their acute sense of smell to locate food sources. For instance, mosquitoes are drawn to human sweat, and ants use pheromones to guide their colony to food. Essential oils, with their potent scents, disrupt these chemical signals, creating confusion and disorientation among pests.

Deterrence for Flying and Crawling Pests:

Essential oils are versatile in their ability to repel both flying and crawling pests. They can be diffused in the air or mixed with vinegar and soap water to create a potent solution for wiping down surfaces. This dual action makes them effective against mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, ants, and even rats.

Unlike traditional bug sprays with strong chemical odors, essential oils offer a more pleasing and natural alternative.

  1. Natural Pest Control

Boric acid is a naturally occurring state of the chemical boron found in rocks, water, and plants. It comes in various forms, including pellets, tablets, or powder. Boric acid is highly abrasive to the exoskeletons of insects. It can be strategically placed near pest entry points in powder form or as a water mixture.

When pests come into contact with or consume it, boric acid adheres to them, slowly eroding their exoskeletons and eliminating them. But not effective remedies against rodents or lizards. And other than that Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a type of sand containing fossilized silica remains of algae known as diatoms. DE shares a similar mode of action with boric acid by having abrasive properties that pierce the exoskeletons of insects. This process leads to gradual dehydration and eventual death of the pests. It provides a safer alternative to boric acid, making it suitable for households with concerns about potential harm to humans.

  1. Traps and Baits:

DIY traps and baits are effective for controlling specific pests. For example, traps can be useful in catching mice, while sticky traps may help monitor and reduce insect populations. It's important to regularly check and dispose of traps to avoid secondary issues.

  1. Home Remedies:

Some household items can serve as DIY remedies. For instance, a mixture of vinegar and water can act as a cleaning agent, disrupting the scent trails left by ants. Baking soda can be used to absorb moisture in areas prone to cockroach infestations.

The Importance of Professional Pest Control Services:

While DIY solutions can be effective for minor pest issues, they have limitations, especially when dealing with extensive infestations or certain resilient pests. Bed bugs, termites, and widespread rodent problems, professional pest control services are crucial for addressing pest infestations comprehensively. Here are some reasons why:

Expertise and Knowledge:

Professional pest control technicians possess the expertise and knowledge to identify specific pest problems and implement targeted solutions. Their training allows them to understand pest behavior, habitats, and the most effective eradication methods.

Customized Solutions:

Each pest infestation is distinct, necessitating customized methods for efficient management. Professional services provide customized plans that address the specific challenges posed by bed bugs, mice, cockroaches, termites, or mosquitos.

Safe and Effective Products:

Pest control professionals use industry-approved and safe products to ensure the well-being of residents and the environment. DIY solutions often involve the use of harmful chemicals that may pose risks to health and safety.

When to Seek Detroit’s pest control companies

  1. Persistent Infestations: If DIY efforts prove ineffective over an extended period, it's time to consult professionals.
  2. Structural Damage: Pests like termites can cause severe structural damage, requiring immediate attention from experts.
  3. Health Risks: Pests like mice and cockroaches pose health risks; professional intervention is necessary for a thorough and safe eradication.
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