1. Health

Do I need to install a water treatment system at home?

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Drinking clean water is essential for life. Unfortunately, our household water supply is not always clean and safe. But effective water treatment systems can improve the quality of water, making it safe to consume.

Get rid of contaminants

City and local water treatment plants filter water before supplying it to your household. However, this water travels a long distance before it reaches your home through pipelines. It can again pick up bacteria and other contaminants, like arsenic, iron, manganese, lead, and more, along the way. Direct consumption or use of such water is not safe. Water filtration systems remove chemicals, bacteria, and other contaminants, making the water safe to use.


In addition to household water, water treatment systems can also benefit commercial facilities, especially, hotels, spas, pools, and restaurants. A proper and efficient water filtration system not only saves them money but also improves the quality of drinking and other-use water. The upfront cost of installing these treatment systems may sometimes seem high, but the benefits outweigh the costs, making the installation of water filtration systems more cost-effective than not installing them. The same is true of cheaper water treatment systems. They may seem less expensive but you may end up spending much more on its repair and maintenance as compared to a high-quality water filtration and treatment system.

Suitable for appliances

Natural and untreated water contains many minerals, heavy metals, and debris. Heavy metal can cause water hardness, and minerals can lead to scale buildup in appliances and pipes. Using filtered water can protect your appliances by preventing scale formation and helping you save money by improving the longevity of your plumbing fixtures and appliances.

Maintains health

The water we consume has a direct effect on our health, and we should be drinking only clean pure water. Untreated water contains organic and inorganic matter, microorganisms, chemicals, and contaminants that can harm your health and lead to several serious health conditions. Water treatment systems help to eliminate these elements from tap water and make it safe for consumption.

The Best Water Treatment Solution for

The Ecosmarte oxygen system by Whidbey Water Filters is a highly effective water treatment solution. It efficiently removes the hardness and other contaminants from the water, making it safe for use. In addition, it also grants several other advantages, such as –

  • Low maintenance costs
  • Durability
  • Noise-free operation
  • Salt-free conditioner
  • Guaranteed pure water
  • Chemical-free treatment
  • Full, unrestricted water flow, and more

If you are looking for water treatment consultation in Whidbey Island, you can get in touch with experts at Whidbey Water Filters at (206) 324-5055.