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The internet and indie publishing have upended many conventions in the previously staid world of book publishing (which isn't as staid anymore), and it's caused people to question many things. One of them is reviews and specifically whether they matter much for book marketing campaigns. The answer from most PR experts is yes, and it's wise for authors and publicists to pursue reviews as a book is launched. Like many other things today, book reviews have primarily moved to the internet even though print media still exist that cover and review books. Wherever a review appears, it needs to reach target readers.

Influential bloggers and online reviewers have led the way with unlimited digital space to review books. It has given them significant influence, and their reviews are increasingly viewed as the most valid by many book readers and buyers. Most online reviewers specialize in a genre, and fiction books remain the most popular to review. Traditional media continue to review non-fiction books, especially in the business category. However, it's now common for authors to write bylined articles in their field of expertise with credit for their book at the end. You can find articles just as often as you'll see reviews. 

The business book category is an interesting one to consider related to reviews. It is unique in that their importance has decreased. Today, it's more about author branding – positioning the author as an expert in a field of profession and seeking personal publicity. As personality cultivation has become essential for business authors, it has brought a shift in publicity plans. Many non-fiction authors, including self-help and lifestyle, today receive significant media attention as subject matter experts. The opportunities include TV interviews that are repurposed online and writing bylined articles. 

Fiction book marketing is the other side of the coin and continues to include reviews as a major component of most marketing campaigns. Reviews from influential bloggers can spark book sales and increase visibility instantly. So there is significant outreach to online influencers who have a specific interest in a genre. Social media works alongside reviews in fiction book promotion. An author's social media accounts are ideal places to repost favorable reviews so that more fans read them. Because each book is unique, publicity campaigns and the efforts to seek reviews are adjusted as appropriate.