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Now that you have taken an apartment for rent in East Oakland, it is time to decorate it with your favorite things, accessories, and more. But before you do that make sure these decorative things can also help you soundproof your apartment. Why? So that you do not have to get irritated by the outside quarreling, noisy neighbors, traffic, or screaming kids. Here are some cost-friendly ideas to make your apartment soundproof.  

Do These Things To Soundproof Your Apartment


First thing first, furnish your apartment with cozy and fluffy furniture. This is because they are great at preventing outside noise from coming inside and vice versa.  They even minimize echo or boosted noises.


If books are your best friends, then you must have a bookshelf, probably of wood. Bookshelves, filled with books, are a super waterproofing method as they reduce excess vibrations, noises, and eco. Place them on your shared walls to do the purpose.


Hanging curtains or tapestries from the ceilings can absorb a lot of loud stomping sounds coming from upstairs. Since ceilings are flat, adding a soft tapestry-like surface can help the sounds from becoming a noise.

Hanging Art

One can even soundproof his rooms by adding hanging wall and ceiling arts. Here, canvas paintings, hanging lights, crafts, and accessories like that can help add mass to the space and cut down excess echo or noise. 

Rugs & Carpets

Thick rugs and carpets are another aesthetically great way to soundproof your apartment space. These rugs can cover the floors, thus reducing the noise of stomping, footsteps, workouts, dancing, etc. Besides, your downstairs neighbors will also be able to live in peace if you maintain a noise-reducing carpet in your house. 

Isn’t It Great!

Aren’t these ways cost-effective, home-friendly, and simple to be executed to make your apartment beautiful as well as soundproof? These ideas are not just limited to apartments but also if you take houses for rent in east Oakland. It's time to try them!